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《灵界经历》 第5271节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5271

5271. That city was utterly full of monasteries of men, up to several thousands, so it was entirely a monastic city, except to some extent in the middle toward the west and at the side toward the east. The rest of the city was nothing else than monasteries. The whole populace was subject to those who were there, as servants to their masters, and besides this, if anyone had anything of a so-called Divine Blessing, they went in and consumed it leaving nothing. Whatever they could they piled into their monasteries and hid away and thus lived an indulgent life without serving the common people, caring about all the outward things and scarcely anything else. They taught nothing but merely displayed outward sanctity, which was entirely hypocritical, and profane as well. I met even some well-known persons in that city.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5271

5271. That city did exceedingly abound in monasteries of men, amounting to many thousands; so that it was wholly a monastic city, except for a small space in the middle towards the west, and on the side towards the east. The rest of the city was nothing else but monasteries. All the people there were subject to those who were in the monasteries, just like slaves to their masters; and, moreover, if anyone had aught of Divine Blessing, they entered where he was and devoured it till nothing remained. Whatever they could they brought together into their monasteries and hid away; thus living by their wits, without performing any use for the public, and caring for externals and scarcely anything else. They taught nothing, but only displayed an outward sanctity, which was wholly hypocritical and also profane. I also found some acquaintances in that city.

Experientiae Spirituales 5271 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5271. Urbs illa plenissima fuit monasteriis virorum, usque ad plura millia, sic ut monasterialis prorsus esset, praeter aliquantum in medio versus occidentem, et a latere versus orientem, reliquum urbis nihil aliud erat quam monasteria, omnis populus ibi subjectus erat eis qui ibi sicut servi suis dominis, et quoque si quis haberet aliquid ex Divina Benedictione illuc intrabant, et consumebant, usque dum nihil superesset: quicquid potuerunt congesserunt in sua monasteria, et absconderunt, viventes sic genio, absque usu pro publico, curantes externa, et vix aliud, nihil docebant, sed modo sanctum externum ostendebant, quod prorsus erat hypocriticum, et quoque prophanum. Inveni etiam in illa urbe aliquos notos.

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