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《灵界经历》 第5270节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5270

5270. On this mountain was a small city and in its center a pope. His palace was entirely like the papal palace on Mount Cavalla in Rome. But the great city within the mountain was large, there was none larger than it anywhere. It too stretched from the northern region all away to the east, where it went in only a little, and from the other side to the western region all the way to the south. It was also quite wide. There was an enormous multitude of people there from various religions. Nevertheless, it was a city of the Catholic religion. It was said that there were tens of thousands. But there was not another city below this city.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5270

5270. On the top of that mountain was a little city, and in the midst thereof was a Pope. His palace was exactly like the papal palace on the Monte Cavallo at Rome. But inside of the mountain was a great city, than which there is no larger anywhere. It also extended from the northern quarter as far as to the eastern, into which it penetrated, though slightly; and, from the other side, through the western quarter, as far as to the southern. It was, also, exceedingly broad. There was there a vast multitude of men of various religions; but still the city was of the Catholic religion. There were said to be there as many as several myriads. But beneath that under-city, there was not another city.

Experientiae Spirituales 5270 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5270. Super illo monte erat urbs parva, et in medio ejus erat Papa; ejus palatium prorsus simile fuit palatio papali in monte Cavallo Romae, sed urbs intra montem magna, qua major non alibi, extendebat se quoque ad septentrionalem plagam usque ad orientem, ubi intrabat sed paulo, et ab altero latere per occidentalem plagam usque ad meridionalem etiam admodum lata, ibi ingens multitudo hominum, ex variis religionibus, sed usque erat urbs religionis Catholicae, dicebatur ibi esse ad plures myriades; sed sub illa suburbe, non erat alia urbs.

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