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《灵界经历》 第5276节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5276

5276. After this the visitation came to the top of the mountain, only behind this city there in the distance, and all who were malicious were brought out of it and thrown into hells and also into quagmires.

5278. 1Those left in the city were told they should graciously accept their governors, judges, and police, and that they should also accept their priests, whom also I saw sent there. The city was laid out as follows:


1. Following the author's instruction paragraphs 5278ַ9 have been placed here.

5279. A was a mountain where there was a small city, and where the Pope was, and K is the exit and entrance into the great city which was below; GEF was the northern extension, I the winding entrance to the east, BD a city toward the west, on to the south which is in C. FI is where there were no monasteries, because [they were from] another religion. UZXY is a great tract where there were villages, and fields, where there was a large populace over whom they had dominion. 1

1. Hand drawing of a city with a church on a hill top in the center.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5276

5276. After this, the visitation reached the top of the mountainous region, but at the back of the city, in the distance there; and all the wicked were brought forth from thence and cast into the hells, and also into the gulfs. 11


1. These asterisks at the end of 5276 and at the beginning of 5278, which occur in the Latin, would seem to signify that the description in 5278 and 5279 follows immediately upon, on that in 5276. We have, therefore, so placed it, though preserving the original numbering. - ED.

Experientiae Spirituales 5276 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5276. Postea pervenit visitatio super montanum modo a tergo illius urbis in longum ibi, et inde educti omnes malitiosi et conjecti in inferna, et quoque in voragines.

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