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《灵界经历》 第5286节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5286

5286. Jesuits and monks there roam about everywhere and rake in riches and store them away in the depths, where they have cells full of gold and silver, diamonds and precious stones in various shapes. All are stored away under the city in their cells. There are rooms within rooms there. They are dark; no light is let into them, but they enter by candlelight. It is here that their precious treasures are, spoken of in Revelation


Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5286

5286. The Jesuits and monks, there, rove everywhere and scrape together riches, and conceal them in a deep place where they have cellars full of gold, silver, and diamonds, and precious stones of various forms. They conceal them all in their cellars beneath the city. There are there vaults within vaults, darkened; the light is not admitted into them; but they enter by the light of candles. There they keep their treasures, of which mention is made in the Apocalypse [chapter 18].

Experientiae Spirituales 5286 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5286. Jesuitae et monachi ibi pervagantur ubivis, et corradunt divitias, et recondunt illas in profundo, ubi cellas habent, plenas auro, argento, et adamantibus, et pretiosis lapidibus, variarum formarum, omnia sub urbe in cellis suis recondunt, sunt ibi camerae intra cameras, obscurae, in quas non admittitur lux, sed per lumen candelarum intrant, ibi sunt pretiosa eorum, de quibus in Apocalypsi [XVIII].

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