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《灵界经历》 第5289节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5289

5289. I spoke with them about their life in the world about the fact that they are not concerned in the least about heaven nor do they believe there is one but [talk about it] merely to seduce the wealthy and obtain their riches and to have control. And to accomplish this they steal their way into the councils of the wealthy by various tricks, and that they keep the common people in dark, dark ignorance and so block their way to heaven, for the way to heaven is blocked when knowledge is hidden and taken away from them. And passage to heaven cannot be accomplished by means of them, because they believe nothing and are inwardly devils. It was said that they continue to say masses as in the world, always in a foreign tongue which the people do not understand, and they place all worship in such acts. The result is that it is outward holiness without anything inward.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5289

5289. I spoke with them about their life in the world, and said that they care nothing about heaven, nor even believe in it, but simply mislead rich people so that they may get their riches and possess dominion; and, that, for this reason, they insinuate themselves, by various arts, into all homes. Also, that they keep the multitude in the darkest ignorance, and thus block up the way to heaven; for the way to heaven is blocked up to men when knowledges are hidden away and withdrawn from them. Passage into heaven, moreover, cannot be effected by their means [i.e. that of these Jesuits], because they believe nothing and are inwardly devils. It was said that they continually perform masses there as in the world, and always in a foreign tongue which is not understood of the people; likewise, that they place all worship in such things, so that there exists outward sanctity without any inward.

Experientiae Spirituales 5289 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5289. Loquutus sum cum illis de vita eorum in mundo quod nihil curent coelum, nec credant id, modo seducant populum divitem ut eorum divitias habeant, utque dominentur, et quod ideo in omnes aulas se insinuent variis artibus; et quod teneant vulgus in obscurissima ignorantia, et sic praestruant viam ad coelum, nam via ad coelum praestruitur cum cognitiones absconduntur illis, et auferuntur, et transire per illas ad coelum nequit fieri, quia illi nihil credunt, et sunt intus diaboli. Dictum ibi quod continuo missas faciant sicut in mundo, et semper lingua aliena, quae non intelligitur a populo; et quod omnem cultum in talibus ponant; sic ut sit sanctum externum absque omni interno.

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