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《灵界经历》 第5292节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5292

5292. I saw them carrying off their gold, wanting to store it away with those who dwelt below the mountain. Some took it, some sent it back saying they did not do business with such things.

All the wealthy from whatever region are let in to live all around the base of the mountain there, and some wealthy Jews too, because they think about nothing else than riches and being in control; some about control for the sake of riches, some about riches for the sake of control, some about both.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5292

5292. I saw them carrying out their gold, wishing to hide it with the others who dwell beneath the mountainous part. Some received it; some sent it back, saying that they have no dealings in such things. All the rich are admitted, from whatsoever region they may be, and they dwell round about under the mountainous part there; and also some rich Jews - for they think of nothing else but riches and dominion: some, of dominion on account of riches; some, of riches for dominion's sake; and some of both.

Experientiae Spirituales 5292 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5292. Vidi exportantes aurum suum, volentes recondere apud alios qui sub montano habitant, quidam recipiebant, quidam remittebant, dicentes quod nihil negotii habeant cum talibus. Admittuntur omnes divites, ex quacunque regione sint, habitare circumcirca sub montano ibi, et quoque aliqui Judaei divites, nam nihil aliud cogitant quam de divitiis et de imperio. Quidam de imperio propter divitias, quidam de divitiis propter imperium, quidam de utroque.

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