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《灵界经历》 第5291节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5291

5291. 1A is the surrounding mountain region, where the wealthy live under or within it. BCD is the mountain under which the great city is; CE is the grotto through which they descend. FG is a great city; G is the western region; F is the eastern region; HI is the grotto leading into the cells where their riches are. The rooms there are darkened by the spiral passageway KSM. Finally, at NN, they can be gotten into on the right or the left, that is to say, in either direction. Their most precious things are there.


1. Just above this passage is a hand drawing of a city in the foreground, a large hill behind it, and a path way leading to the top of the hill.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5291

5291. A [Fig. 4] 1is the mountainous surrounding [no. 5283, 5285 ], where the rich dwell beneath, or inside, in those places; BCD is the mountain under which is the great city; CE is the shaft [no. 5282] whereby they descend; FG is the great city - G the western quarter, F the eastern quarter; and HI, the shaft leading into the cellars where they keep their riches. The chambers there are rendered dark by winding corridors, KSM at length bent alternately, or reciprocally, at NH, where they keep their most precious things.

They descend into that city by the shaft, and ascend by circular steps, or in continuous spiral ways, and also by slanting steps - wide ones, because there is always a multitude going out and in.


1. The diagram is of a city at the foot of a mountain, with what appear to be tunnels going down from the top of the mountain and from the center of the city, leading into caverns beneath.

Experientiae Spirituales 5291 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5291. A est montanum circumcirca, ubi divites habitant subter vel intus in illo. BCD est mons sub quo magna urbs, CE est antrum per quod descendunt. FG est urbs magna, G plaga occidentalis, F plaga orientalis, HI antrum ducens in cellas ubi eorum divitiae. Camerae ibi obscurae factae per spirales ductus KSM; tandem insinuatae vicissim seu reciproce NN, ubi pretiosissima. In urbem illam per antrum descendunt et ascendunt per gradus circulares seu in circulos perennes gyratos, et quoque per gradus obliquos, latos, quia continue exit et intrat multitudo.

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