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《灵界经历》 第5296节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5296

5296. Then the mountain above began to be cleared away and the whole city brought into view, together with its magnificent monasteries, their churches and the rest of their palaces. They were all seen. And a boiling erupted from the lower region where the treasures were. Then an east wind, that is, a wind from the east, came and took the whole city away and reduced it to smoke. And they were thrown into the western sea. And all their treasures were reduced to utterly nothing and likewise thrown into that sea, for there is a large sea on the western side.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5296

5296. Then, the mountain-top began to be borne away, and the whole city was presented to sight, along with the magnificent monasteries, their temples, and the remaining palaces - all which were beheld; and an eruption burst forth from the lower place where the treasures were. Then the east wind, or a wind from the east, came, and carried away the whole city and dispersed it in smoke, and carried it away into the western sea; and all the treasures were utterly destroyed, and likewise cast forth into that sea; for, at the west, there is a great sea [K, Fig. 5]. 1


1. A diagram of two cities with a mountain between and towards back in reference to them.

Experientiae Spirituales 5296 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5296. Tunc mons supra incepit auferri, et tota urbs sisti videnda, cum monasteriis magnificis, eorum templis, et palatiis reliquis, quae visa, et erupit ebullitio ab inferiori loco ubi gazae: tunc ventus orientalis seu ventus ab oriente venit, et abstulit totam urbem, et annihilavit illam in fumum, et projecti in mare occidentale; et gazae omnes annihilatae sunt funditus, et similiter projectae in illud mare, nam ab occidente est mare magnum.

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