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《灵界经历》 第5304节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5304

5304. The aura that exhaled from those who were in that rich, or better said, opulent city was of such a nature that it robbed others of any awareness and sensation of what is good and delightful. I was feeling delight in what is good and true, and when I was brought into the neighborhood of that city while it was still intact, then all that delight died to the point that it ceased to exist. The reason for this was that they had an aura of the delight produced by love for the world and themselves, and their aura was so strong that all heavenly delight was then taken away from those who were not like this.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5304

5304. The sphere which exhaled from those who dwelt in that rich, or wealthy, city, was of such a nature as to take away the whole perception and sensation of good and delight from others. I was in the delight of good and truth, and, when brought to the neighborhood of that city, while it was still flourishing, all that delight died away, until none of it remained. The reason was, that they were in the sphere of the delight of the love of the world and of self; and, in this case, all heavenly delight is taken away from those who are not of such a character. So powerful was their sphere.

Experientiae Spirituales 5304 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5304. Sphaera quae exhalabat ex illis qui in urbe illa diviti seu opulenta, erat talis ut auferret omnem perceptionem et sensationem boni et jucundi aliis, eram in jucundo boni et veri, et cum perlatus ad viciniam illius urbis, cum integra fuit, tunc periit omne id jucundum, usque ut nullum esset; causa erat quia illi in sphaera jucundi amoris mundi et sui erant, et qui non tales, ex illis abducebatur tunc omne jucundum coeleste; tam fortis erat illa eorum sphaera.

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