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《灵界经历》 第5303节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5303

5303. At the end something black was seen flying over the place where the city was. It was the portent of the dragon, appearing just like a dragon. 1

A, the great city, concerning which see p. 283 [5278].

B, the rich city Babylon, treated of now [5280 ff.].

K, the sea.

S, a tract subject to the rich city, where the wealthy lived.

T, a tract bordering another city, a very large one.

M, hells of the northern part which became a swamp.

N, hells of the southern part, from which they were thrown into hells of the gentiles, spoken of now [5297].


1. Hand drawing of a hill with two cities in the foreground.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5303

5303. Lastly was seen something black flying over the place where that city had stood. It was a dragon-monster, appearing just like a Dragon.

A [Fig. 5] 1is that very great city, concerning which see p. 362 [nos. 5273-5275]. B is the rich city Babylon, now treated of [no. 5285]. K is the sea [no. 5296]; S, the district subject to the rich city, where the rich ones dwell [nos. 5283, 5285]; T, the tract subject to the other city, the very great one; M, the hells of the northern part, which became a swamp [no. 5274]; and N, the hells of the southern part, the inhabitants of which were cast into the hells of the Gentiles. These we are now treating of.


1. A diagram of two cities with a mountain between and towards back in reference to them.

Experientiae Spirituales 5303 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5303. Ultimo visum est aliquod nigrum volans super locum ubi urbs illa, erat monstrum draconis, apparens sicut draco. A urbs maxima, de qua p. 312 [5278]. 1

B urbs dives Babylonia, de qua nunc [5280 seqq.]. K mare. S tractus subjectus urbi diviti, ubi divites habitabant. T tractus subjectus alteri urbi, maximae. M inferna partis septentrionalis quae facta palus. N inferna partis meridionalis, ex quibus conjecti in inferna gentilium, de quibus nunc [5297].


1. Diagram

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