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《灵界经历》 第5306节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5306

5306. After this the earth in that region started to tremble, at which the remainder rushed out terrified, and there was an enormous number, all of whom were thrown into their own hells.

They were told the cause of this too: it was because they so intently keep people in darkness, in whatever way they can, and in so doing block their instruction by the Lord through angels and so entirely deprive them of the only means of salvation, which is solely learning and internalizing the truths of the Church. If these truths are blocked, there can be no possibility of saving these people. And besides this, they hunt after all souls whoever come into the other life, from whatever religion they may be, doing this partly with flattery, partly with brute force, partly with magical arts, partly by convincing them they are damned, for the sole purpose of excluding souls from heaven. And they enchant their eyes with holiness that is outward without anything inward and also entice them to idolatries in every way. And they do all these things solely to possess everything in the world and have control not only over their souls but also their bodies, and so that they may be lords of all the earth, and all others their servants. This also is why they prevent them from reading the Word, have masses said in another language, display idols everywhere and sell miracles. However, they do nothing useful other than for themselves, eating, drinking, raving and sinning by denying God and claiming all of the Lord's power to themselves.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5306

5306. After this, an earthquake began in that district; and the rest were terrified by it and rushed out. It was a vast number, all of whom were cast into their hells. The reason was also told them, namely, because, with exceeding assiduity, and in every way they can, they keep the people in darkness, and so hinder their being instructed by the Lord through angels. Thus they entirely take away from them all means of salvation, which is, solely, knowing the truths of the Church and afterwards appropriating them; and, if they be prevented from doing this no means of saving them can be given. Moreover, also, those here described hunt after souls who enter the other life, of whatever religion they may be, partly by allurement, partly by force and violence, partly by magical art, and partly by damnable persuasion; so that they completely shut souls out of heaven, and bewitch them into a merely external sanctity that appears before the eyes but is devoid of all internal quality, and also inveigle them into idolatrous practices in every manner - and all this solely with the aim that they may get possession of all things in the world, and rule not only over the souls of men but also over their bodies; and, thus, that they may be lords of the whole earth, and all others their slaves. Therefore, also, they prevent them from reading the Word, and have masses in a foreign language, and set up images everywhere, and trumpet forth miracles; and yet they perform no use at all but to themselves - eating, drinking, raving and sinning, denying God and arrogating to themselves all the power of the Lord.

Experientiae Spirituales 5306 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5306. Postea oriebatur in tractu illo terrae motus, inde territi reliqui eruperunt, et fuit ingens numerus, qui omnes conjecti sunt in sua inferna. Causa etiam illis dicta, quod teneant populum in tenebris maximo studio, et quocunque modo possint, et sic impediant ut erudiantur a Domino per angelos, ita prorsus adimant illis omne medium salutis, quod unicum est scire vera Ecclesiae, et postea imbuere illa, quae si impediuntur non dari potest copia salvandi illos: et praeterea, venantur omnes animas quae usquam veniunt in alteram vitam, ex quacunque religione sint, partim allectione, partim vi et violentia, partim magica arte, partim damnanda persuasione, sic ut prorsus animas e coelo arceant, et solum sanctum externum fascinant ante oculos, absque omni interno, et quoque ad idololatrica pelliciunt omni modo; et haec omnia solum propterea, ut illi possideant omnia in mundo, et dominentur non modo super animas eorum sed etiam super corpora, utque illi domini sint totius terrae, et omnes alii servi, ideo quoque illos excludunt a lectione Verbi, et missas alio idiomate habent, et exponunt idola ubicunque, et venditant miracula, cum tamen illi prorsus nullum usum praestent, quam sibi, edendo, bibendo, insaniendo, et peccando negando Deum, et sibi omnem potestatem Domini vindicando.

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