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《灵界经历》 第5309节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5309

5309. They were driven out of there several times and thrown down from there, yet they always came back. Eventually I was brought down to their residence, which was in the remote land between the north and the west. It took me almost two hours to get there, and I was led around by detours because they block the ways to prevent anyone from being able to come to them. They block all the other pathways by magical methods to such an extent that no one is able to come to them except by many detours. I was led through these and finally came to their residence. There were women in the Rest Homes who had done nothing useful in the world other than eating, drinking, sleeping, talking with each other, and going to the their church and simulating outer holiness. They had no desire at all to be instructed in the doctrines of the Church, had no concern for it. In a word, they were given to idle leisure.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5309

5309. They were expelled thence several times, and cast out therefrom; but yet they always returned. At length, I was brought to their dwelling, which was some distance off, in the land between the north and west. I was led thither for the space of nearly two hours, and conducted about by roundabout ways; for they contrived the paths in this way, lest anyone should come to them. All the other paths they so sedulously contrived by magical arts, that nobody could come to them save by many roundabout ways. I was led through them, and finally to their residence. They were women who have lived in almshouses, and performed no use in the world except eating, drinking, sleeping, talking together, and going to their Church and feigning outward sanctity. They had no wish to be instructed in the doctrinals of the Church: they cared nothing for them. In a word, they have given themselves up to idleness.

Experientiae Spirituales 5309 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5309. Illae inde expulsae sunt aliquoties, et inde dejectae, sed usque semper redierunt; tandem delatus sum ad mansionem earum, quae fuit remote in terra inter septentrionem et occidentem, ductus sum illuc per bihorium fere, et circumductus per ambages, ita enim praestruxerunt vias ne aliquis ad eas venire possent: omnes alias vias magicis artibus praestruxerunt, usque adeo ut nemo ad illas venire posset nisi per plures ambages; per illas ductus sum, et tandem ad mansionem earum; erant mulieres quae fuerunt in Hospitalibus, quae nihil usus praestiterunt in mundo, quam edendo, bibendo, dormiendo, loquendo inter se, et in templo suo esse, ac simulare sanctum externum, prorsus non voluerunt instrui in doctrinalibus Ecclesiae, haec nihil curabant; verbo se dederunt otio.

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