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《灵界经历》 第5310节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5310

5310. They lived in small apartments on both sides [of a hall], quite long. 1Each apartment had a door, and then when they went in, with a trick of imagination they blocked the entrance so that if anyone came to it they could not enter. In this way they were safe.

They knew how to travel around to places in thought and to appear just as if they were actually present there, so they knew how to go as it were out of the body. Then after they had attacked others, they returned in an instant and so were safe. This had been the delight of their life. They lived at Z, pgs. 283-284 [5278-5279] and were seen at A.


1. Hand drawing of two parallel lines with numerous shorter lines perpendicular to them, indicating apartments.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5310

5310. They dwelt in little cells, which were continuous on both sides to a considerable distance. Every little cell had a door; and, when they entered, they also closed up the entrance by an art of phantasy, in order that, if anyone came there, he should not be able to enter; so that they might be in security. They knew how to go to places round about by means of thoughts, and appear there as if present; thus, to go, as it were, out of the body; and, after they had infested others, they returned in a moment, and were thus in safety. These were the delights of their life. They dwelt at Z, and appeared at A [see Fig. 5, p. 373]. 1


1. The figure consists of two parallel lines with many shorter lines going out from them at a perpendicular angle away from each other - indicating the cells in which these people live.

Experientiae Spirituales 5310 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5310. Habitabant in cellulis quae continuae ab utroque latere, ad multam longitudinem, cuivis cellulae janua, cumque intrabant tunc quoque arte phantastica praestruebant introitum, ut si quis veniret illuc nec posset intrare, ut in tuto essent: sciebant per cogitationes ire ad loca circumcirca, et ibi sicut praesentes apparere, ita quasi exire e corpore, et postquam infestaverunt alios, tunc redibant in instanti, et sic tute, hoc fuerat jucunda vitae earum. Habitabant pag. 316 [5278-5279] ad Z et apparebant ad A. 1


1. Diagram

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