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《灵界经历》 第5312节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5312

5312. It was said that in that quagmire all are kept to thinking in accord with the way things are seen, that is to say, with the objects of their sight and outer senses, and are kept from wandering beyond these. When this does happen, they are severely pained because they are unable to travel out of the body with their thoughts and to appear in other places. These kinds of spirits know how to travel about in their thoughts and appear entirely as if they were there where these [thoughts] stop, so [they can appear] in many places. And the more skillfully they can do this, the safer they believe they are. This fantasy rules especially with spirits and is especially harmful.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5312

5312. It was said, that those in that gulf are compelled to think according to the sight, or according to the objects of sight and of the external senses, and not to wander therefrom at all; and when this happens, they experience the greatest torment, because they are not able to go out of the body through space by means of thoughts, and appear elsewhere: for all such persons learn to go through space as to the thoughts, and to appear at other places than where they are; in which places they appear exactly as if really present thus in many places [at once]; and the more adroitly they can do this, the safer they regard themselves. This phantastic art prevails to a great extent amongst spirits, and is exceedingly pernicious.

Experientiae Spirituales 5312 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5312. Dicebatur quod in voragine illa teneantur omnes cogitare secundum visum, seu secundum objecta visus et sensuum externorum, et non amplius divagari ab illis, et cum id fit cruciantur quam maxime quia non possunt exspatiari per cogitationes e corpore, et apparere alibi, nam omnes tales discunt exspatiari quoad cogitationes, et apparere ubi illae sistuntur prorsus sicut praesentes, ita in multis locis, et quo solertius id possunt, eo tutiores se esse credunt. Hoc phantasticum maxime regnat apud spiritus, et maxime nocivum est.

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