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《灵界经历》 第5330节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5330

5330. There was so much darkness on the second level that they proclaimed themselves gods and said that the Lord has no power and that they have all power and have transferred all power from the Lord to themselves, aware that it was not granted to them because it was granted only to Peter. And, when [certain] others asked what heaven is, they then led them to their treasures and gave them one of their little things and brought them to their table and prepared elegant dishes, and said, "This is heaven!"

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5330

5330. So deplorable was the darkness in another stratum, that they proclaimed themselves gods, and said that the Lord has no power, and that they have all, and have transferred all power from the Lord to themselves - knowing, all the while, that it was not granted to them, since it was only to Peter; and, when others inquired what heaven is, they then led them to their treasures and gave them something of trifling value, and brought them to their table and treated them to delicacies, saying that this was heaven.

Experientiae Spirituales 5330 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5330. Tanta caligo fuit in altero strato, ut se pro diis venditaverint, et dixerint, quod Domino nulla potestas, et quod illis omnis, et quod a Domino ad se transtulerint omnem potestatem, scientes quod non datum sit illis, quia soli Petro, et cum quaererent [quidam] quid coelum, tunc ducebant illos ad suas gazas, et aliquid dederunt ex pusillis: et illos ad mensam suam adducebant, et lautitiis tractabant, dicentes, quod hoc coelum.

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