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《灵界经历》 第5329节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5329

5329. After this happened, a more powerful east wind followed up and took off a second mountaintop in both regions, and it went on to the other two regions, all the way to the corner between the north and east, where it subsided. This wind was seen passing through the whole region, going and coming and continuing on until everything was stripped bare, totally, thus on both of these two levels. These having been stripped bare, nothing appeared anywhere except monasteries with some common people around them as servants. There the monks lived like gods, and the common people worshiped them as if they were their gods.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5329

5329. After this was accomplished, then a stronger east wind arose and carried away another mountain-roof in each tract; and this passed on to the two other tracts, as far as the angle between the north and east, where it stopped. That wind seemed to pass over the whole, going, and returning, and continuing, till all things were completely laid bare, consequently, those two strata; and, these being exposed, there appeared, everywhere, nothing but monasteries, with a kind of rabble round about for slaves. The monks lived there like gods; and the rabble worshipped them as their gods.

Experientiae Spirituales 5329 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5329. Postquam hoc factum est, tunc ventus fortior orientalis insistebat et auferebat alterum tectum montanum in utroque tractu, et hoc pergebat ad binos alteros tractus, usque ad angulum inter septentrionem et orientem ubi subsistebat, visus est ventus ille transire per totum eundo et redeundo, et continuando usque dum denudata sunt omnia, funditus, ita bina illa strata, quibus denudatis apparuit ubivis nihil nisi quam monasteria cum aliquo vulgo circum pro servitio, ibi vivebant monachi sicut dii, et vulgus adorabat eos, sicut suos deos.

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