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《灵界经历》 第5337节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5337

5337. There were also many from that same religion toward the east where mountains were seen; and there were also subordinate monasteries and common people. But they were those who had been pious and upright, who had performed the holy rites with devotion and been of service to many. These had been taken away from those things spoken about above [5322ֳ6] and transferred to the east into mountains there, where they had their own religion.

They said that from there they had an influence on those who were in the southern and western region but had been unable to do anything with them since all their piety and devotion was turned to such luxury and their bodily element, and that they had labored in vain with them.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5337


There were also very many of the same religion in the east, where mountains appear; and in that region also there are monasteries, and common people in subjection; but those were there who have been pious and upright, who have engaged devoutly in holy exercises, and have been devoted to many uses. They were taken out from those mentioned above, and transferred towards the east, to the mountains there, where they kept up their religion. They said that, from that part, they had influx into those who were in the southern and the western tracts; but that they were able to do nothing with them, inasmuch as all piety and devotion was changed into such luxuriousness and corporeality, as characterized them, and that they labored with them in vain.

Experientiae Spirituales 5337 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5337. De Babylonia ab orientali plaga

Ex eadem illa religione, erant etiam multi ad orientem, ubi visuntur montes; et ibi quoque monasteria, et vulgus subjecta, sed ibi erant illi qui pii fuerunt, et probi, qui sancta obiverunt cum devotione, et serviverunt multis, illi exemti fuerunt ex illis de quibus supra [5322-5336], et translati versus orientem in montes ibi, ubi religionem suam habuerunt: dixerunt quod inde influxum habuerint in illos qui in meridionali et in occidentali tractu, se quod nihil apud illos potuerint efficere, quoniam omne pium et devotum versum fuit in tale luxuriosum, et corporeum quod apud illos; et quod frustra cum illis laboraverint.

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