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《灵界经历》 第5338节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5338

5338. Those who lived in monasteries in the corner angle between the south and the east were thrown out from there and crossed through the southern plain around the middle all the way to the west, and those who were near them more in the east passed through the northern plain around the middle and passed through all the way to the western region, which had been purged, and from there they went on to the corner between the west and the north, following an angular, or diagonal, line as far as to those who were in the rest homes spoken of above [5308 ff.] and still quite far further. And from there they took themselves toward the western quarter, on the side of the region that was destroyed, and there they were allotted their place.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5338

5338. Those who dwelt in the angle between the south and east, in monasteries, were cast out of them, and passed through along the middle of the southern plain as far as the west; and those who were near them more to the east, crossed the northern plain along the middle and passed as far as the western tract, which was laid waste, and thence proceeded to the angle between the west and north, following an angular, or diagonal, line, as far as those who had lived in almshouses, mentioned above, [nos. 5308-12] and still farther to the remotest distance; and thence they repaired towards the western quarter, at the other side of the destroyed tract, and there were allotted their residence.

Experientiae Spirituales 5338 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5338. Illi qui habitabant in angulo inter meridiem et orientem in monasteriis, illi inde ejecti sunt, et transiverunt meridionalem campum circum medium usque ad occidentem; et qui prope illos magis in orientem transiverunt septentrionalem campum circum medium, et transiverunt, usque ad occidentalem tractum, qui devastatus, et inde pergebant ad angulum inter occidentem et septentrionem, sequendo lineam angularem seu interstitialem, usque ad illos qui in hospitalibus de quibus supra [5308 seqq.] et adhuc ultra perquam remote, et inde se contulerunt versus occidentalem plagam, ab altera parte tractus destructi, ac ibi sedem suam sortiti sunt.

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