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《灵界经历》 第5342节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5342

5342. The rest who following their religious beliefs had led a pious life and together with this had been rendering some kind of service and had not been idle were led out toward the east somewhat far from the end so that they might settle together and form a society without convents. But few stayed; longing for convents, they returned. Those who had lived idly, devoting themselves to nothing other than outward piety, were divided among followers of their own religion so that they might act as housemaids and learn to work, because heavenly life does not consist in idleness and in piety without work but in piety together with work.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5342

5342. The remainder, who passed a life in accordance with their religious principles, and at the same time were engaged in some work, and were not idle, were brought out thence towards the east, somewhat distant from the boundary, so that they might settle there, and form a society without monasteries. But only a few stayed; they [i.e. the bulk of them] returned, longing for the monasteries. Those who have lived in idleness, caring for nothing else than outward piety, were shared amongst the followers of their religion, so that they might there act as attendants to them, and learn to work; for the heavenly life does not consist in idleness, and in piety without work, but in piety with work.

Experientiae Spirituales 5342 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5342. Reliquae quae vitam piam secundum religiosum suum egerunt, et simul fuerunt in opere aliquo, et non otiosae, eductae sunt versus orientem aliquantum remote a termino ut ibi consederent, et societatem formarent absque monasteriis, sed paucae remanserunt, redierunt, cupientes monasteria, illae quae in otio vixerunt, nihil aliud studentes quam pietati externae, illae inter suae religionis asseclas partitae sunt, ut ibi agerent famulas, et discerent operari, nam vita coelestis non in otio consistit, et in pietate absque opere, sed in pietate cum opere.

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