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《灵界经历》 第5341节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5341

5341. At the end the visitation came to the corner between the north and the east and on both sides there. There, in a long stretch into the earth, were convents for virgins and women. There was an enormous number of them, on three levels, below and above. All in the convents were led out, both those of them who had led an evil life, particularly with adulteries and illicit affairs, and those who had become profane as a result of living evilly, contrary to their religion. These were led out to the front to the end of the quarter; and for some distance there on both sides, to the north and east, a large deep chasm began, and all who were like this were thrown into it.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5341

5341. Lastly, the visitation came upon the angle between the north and east; and, on both sides thereof, in a long stretch into the region there, were monasteries for virgins and women, of which there was an immense number, in triplicate strata, below and above. All those who were in the monasteries were brought out; and such of them as led an evil life, especially by adulteries and harlotry, and such as became profane through an evil life at variance with their religious principles - these were brought forth to the front, to the boundary of the angle; and, on both sides thereof, at the north and east, extending over some space, was made a great and deep chasm, into which all such ones were cast.

Experientiae Spirituales 5341 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5341. Ultimo pervenit visitatio ad angulum inter septentrionem et orientem, et ibi utrinque a lateribus, ibi longo tractu in terram, erant monasteria virginum et mulierum, quarum ingens numerus, triplici strato, infra et supra. Omnes quae in monasteriis eductae sunt, et quae ex illis malam vitam egerunt, imprimis per adulteria, et scortationes, et quae prophanae factae sunt per malam vitam, contra religiosum suum, illae eductae sunt anterius, ad terminum anguli, et utrinque ibi ad septentrionem et orientem ad aliquantum spatium, hiatus magnus et profdundus factus, et illuc omnes tales conjectae sunt.

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