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《灵界经历》 第5347节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5347

5347. About the last judgment of those who are called Protestants, such as the Lutherans, the [Dutch] Reformed and others

Those of the Lutheran, Calvinist, and other religions in the Christian world, with the exception of the Papists, were in the middle. But below on a hill and a little around it were those who had genuine faith and at the same time lived a good life. Above them, on a large mountain and in the mountain region round about were those who were superficial and had no inward character, who knew the Word and the points of doctrine and were church-goers but yet were not at all concerned about life, in a word, who were taken up with outward things alone and loved themselves and the world above all else. These were on this mountain in the center and in the surrounding mountain region, where there were various cities and an enormous multitude. All these were brought down below the mountain region, all the way to the border where the Catholic religion is. And there they were brought down into a slanting, or rather irregularly sloped dark chasm, wide and large. Those who were in the southern part of the mountain and in that mountain region were brought down into this wide and dark chasm that was on the northern border, likewise those who were from the eastern quarter there, in proper order. Those who were in the eastern quarter were brought into this chasm at the north nearer to the east. Those who were in the southern quarter were brought in order toward the west there. Those, however, who were in the western quarter of the mountain were brought down into a gaping, dark and large sloping chasm at the boundary of the eastern tract and there cast deep down.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5347


Those who were of the Lutheran, Calvinistic, and the other religions in the Christian world, with the exception of the papists, were in the middle; but below, upon a hill, and somewhat round about, were those who were of a genuine faith, and at the same time in the good of life. Above them, on an extensive mountain and in a mountain region round about, were such as have been external men and have not had any internal, who have known the Word and doctrinals, and have frequented churches, but still have cared nothing at all about their life; in a word, have been in externals alone and loved themselves and the world above all things. These were on that mountain, and in the middle; also in the mountain-region round about, where there were various cities and a vast multitude. All of them were brought down below the mountain-region as far as the boundary where the Catholic religion is, and were there brought into a steep, or sloping, chasm - dark, wide and large. Those who were in the southern part of that mountain and mountain-region, were brought down into that wide and dark chasm which is at the northern boundary; in like manner those who were in the eastern quarter there - all in their order: those who were in the eastern quarter into that chasm which is at the southern part nearer towards the east; those who were in the southern, in their order, towards the west thereof; but those who were in the western quarter of the mountain, were brought [into] a mighty, steep, dark, yawning chasm, at the boundary of the western tract, and there cast deep down.

Experientiae Spirituales 5347 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5347. De ultimo judicio illorum qui protestantes vocantur, ut Lutherani, reformati et alii

Qui ex religione Lutherana, Calvinistica, aliisque in Christiano orbe, praeter papistas, illi in medio erant, sed infra super colle et paulo circumcirca illi qui e genuina fide, et simul in bono vitae; a supra illos in amplo monte, et montano circumcirca fuerunt illi qui externi homines fuerunt, et non aliquod internum haberent, - qui sciverunt Verbum, et doctrinalia, quique templa frequentarunt, sed usque prorsus nihil curarunt vitam, verbo qui in externis solis, et amaverunt se ac mundum supra omnia; illi in eo monte et in medio erant, et in montano circum, ubi variae urbes, et multitudo ingens; omnes illi deducti sunt infra montanum usque ad terminum ubi Catholica religio; et ibi in hiatum declivem seu obliquum tenebrosum latum et amplum deducti sunt; qui in meridionali parte montis et montani istius deducti sunt in latum et tenebrosum illum hiatum qui ad terminum septentrionalem, similiter qui ab orientali plaga ibi, omnes in suo ordine; qui in orientali plaga in hiatum illum ad septentrionalem propius versus orientem, qui in meridionali ordine versus occidentem ibi, qui autem in occidentali plaga montis illi deducti sunt [in] hiatum amplum declivem tenebrosum hiantem ad terminum tractus occidentalis, et ibi conjecti profunde.

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