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《灵界经历》 第5351节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5351

5351. After this an enormous number of those who are called Protestants and proclaimed faith alone and nevertheless did not have a life of faith, both the learned and the unlearned who said they have the true doctrine, have the Word, know the Lord, besides much else, and said they are therefore saved before others, yet still did not have any of the life of faith, they were led out in an enormous multitude toward the west toward the sea there. And [they] were led to its southern side, and from there were led back toward the south, on the other side of the purged Babylonian tract and up to the east there, and also further beyond its center. Some who were separated from there were scattered around toward the north and were no longer seen. The rest were brought back again to the south and there brought to this place and that, now forward now backward, and there were examined as to whether they had any faith, for there, toward the south, locations are divided up according to truths. Everywhere they were examined as to whether they had had the faith they professed, and everywhere it was found that they had no faith, because they had no way of life [expressing faith], since where there is no life there is no faith, because it is merely knowledge without life. This went on for an hour, and everywhere they were asked whether they believed, that is to say, whether they had faith, and it was found that they had none at all, and they themselves admitted this and did not even know what the life of charity is and that the doctrine of faith has been separated from the doctrine of charity. They don't know about the latter and don't care about the former, because [they believe] faith alone without life saves.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5351

5351. Afterwards, an immense number of those called Protestants, and who proclaimed the doctrine of faith alone and yet had no life of faith, both the learned and the more unlearned, who said that they possess true doctrine, have the Word, know the Lord, and many things besides, and that therefore they should be saved rather than others; and yet they had not any of the life of faith - these were brought forth in a vast multitude; at first, in a westerly direction towards the sea there, and were conducted to its southern side, and thence brought back towards the south in another part of the vastated Babylonish tract, and as far as to the east there, and also still farther, beyond the middle of it. From that point they were separated; and some were scattered towards the north, and were seen no more. The rest of them were brought back towards the south, and there borne hither and thither, now forward, now back, and were there explored as to whether they had any faith; for there, in the south, places are distinguished according to Divine truths. Everywhere they were explored as to whether they have had the faith which they professed; and, in every case, it was ascertained that they have had no faith, because no life, since, where there is not life there is no faith, for, apart from life, faith is a mere matter of knowledge. This lasted for the space of an hour; and everywhere they were told whether they believe, or have faith; and it was ascertained that they had none at all. This, also, they themselves there confessed; and, likewise, that they do not even know what a life of charity is, or that the doctrine of faith is separate from the doctrine of charity, and that they do not know the latter nor care for the former; because, [say they], faith alone, without life, saves.

Experientiae Spirituales 5351 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5351. Postea ingens numerus ex illis qui protestantes vocati, et venditarunt solam fidem, et tamen nullam vitam fidei habuerunt, tam docti quam indoctiores, qui dixerunt se habere veram doctrinam, habere Verbum, scire Dominum, praeter plura, et se ideo salvari prae reliquis, etiam tamen non aliquam vitam fidei habuerunt, illi educti sunt ad ingentem multitudinem primum versus occidentem versus mare ibi, et ducti ad latus ejus meridionale, et inde reducti sunt versus meridiem, ab altera parte tractus Babylonici vastati, et usque ad orientem ibi, et quoque ulterius ultra medium ejus, quidam inde divisi dissipabantur versus septentrionem, nec amplius visi, reliqui iterum reducti sunt versus meridiem, et ibi huc illuc lati, nunc cis nunc retro, et ibi explorati num haberent aliquam fidem, nam ibi ad meridiem sunt loca divisa secundum vera Divina, ubivis explorati num habuerint fidem quam professi, et ubivis compertum quod nullam fidem habuerint, quia non vitam, quoniam ubi non vita non fides, est enim modo scientificum absque vita, hoc perstabat per horarium spatium, et ubivis illis dictum num credant seu num fidem habeant, et compertum quod prorsus nullam, et hoc ipsi ibi confessi, et quoque quod ne quidem sciant quid vita charitatis; et quod doctrina fidei separata sit a doctrina charitatis, et quod hanc non sciant, et illam non curent, quia sola fides absque vita salvat.

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