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《灵界经历》 第5358节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5358

5358. The Dutch do not have a receptive perception like this, but yet are rather keen-sighted, remaining in their own doctrine and not receding from faith in it. If they are convinced that it is not true, they understand but turn their back, because they do not want to withdraw from their own doctrine.

[5358] 1/2. The Germans remain in their own doctrine and have no desire to take up another. The Swedes don't care to learn doctrine, except what they learned in their childhood. After this they learn nothing. Only the priests.

Some Englishmen have accepted [the truth] well.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5358

5358. The Dutch have no such receptive perception, but still they are very penetrating, adhering to their doctrine, and not receding from their faith in it: if clearly shown that it is not true, they understand, but turn their back; for they are unwilling to recede from their own position.

5358a. The Germans remain in their doctrine; nor are they willing to accept anything else. The Swedes do not care to know anything of doctrine, excepting what they have learned in boyhood. After that, with the exception of the priests, they learn nothing. Certain Englishmen had a ready reception.

Experientiae Spirituales 5358 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5358. Hollandi non talem receptivam perceptionem habent, sed usque sunt satis perspicaces, manendo in sua doctrina, non recedendo a fide ejus, si convincantur quod ita non sit, intelligunt, sed tergum vertunt, nam non volunt recedere a sua.

[5[358] 1/2. Germani manent in doctrina sua, nec volunt capere aliud, Sveri non curant doctrinam scire, praeter quae in pueritia didicerunt, postea nihil discunt, modo sacerdotes. Quidam Angli bene receperunt.

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