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《灵界经历》 第5357节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5357

5357. The nature of the English, Dutch, Germans, Swedes as regards religion

The nature of the English as to the truths of the Church was examined. It was found that except for the priests they are not concerned to learn them, but nonetheless have a sharp perception of the truth of a matter when it is explained rationally. Consequently they have insight as regards religion, yet still not an active but a receptive sight. The reason is that they deal sincerely with each other, without deceit, and that this is generally the case, and if it is not, others shun them, etc.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5357


It was ascertained, by investigation, of what character the English are, as regards the truths of the Church - that, namely, with the exception of the priests, they do not care to learn them; but yet that they have a fairly keen perception that a thing is so when it is reasonably stated, consequently, they have an interior sight as regards religion; still, however, not an active, but a receptive sight. The reason is because they deal sincerely with each other, without deceit; and because it is customary, when any act otherwise, for others to shun them, etc.

Experientiae Spirituales 5357 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5357. 1

Quales Angli, Hollandi, Germani, Sveri 2

, quoad religionem

Exploratum est quales Angli sunt quoad vera Ecclesiae, quod non curent discere illa, praeter sacerdotes, sed usque quod perceptionem satis exquisitam habeant, quod ita sit, quando dicitur ex ratione, sic ut interiorem visum habeant quoad religionem, sed usque non visum activum sed receptivum. Causa est, quia sincere agunt inter se, absque dolo; et quod hoc commune sit, si aliud, quod alii fugiant illos; etc.


1. numerus cum titulo marginaliter in ms. linea curvata signatus est

2. = Sueci

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