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《灵界经历》 第5360节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5360

5360. I noticed that in one city scarcely a fourth of the number there was seen. They were of different natures, and consequently those who turned their back to the others were not seen. They turned [to them] only when they shared a somewhat similar feeling. The part [of them] that was of an entirely different character and not in agreement with the town's inhabitants was given a place to live under the city and in various places there. In London I saw a pile of earth like a small hill and an entrance at the base. There under the hill, though it was small, was an enormous number of those who were evil, up to several thousand. They were subsequently all thrown into hells; for an exhalation still rises from them into the inhabitants of the city that makes them feel uncomfortable, and alters both their feelings and thoughts. Occasionally certain ones leave and are seen, but they return. This happens under cities in many places. Cities are also cleared and cleansed by the Lord in this way, always.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5360

5360. It was observed, that, in one city, almost a fourth part of those who appeared there - who were of a different genius from, and, consequently, turned their back to, the others - only appeared when they turned themselves into some similarity of affection. The portion that was of a wholly different genius, and did not accord with the citizens, were allotted quarters under the city, and this in various places. I beheld, in the London there, the ground heaped up in the shape of a small hill, and an entrance under it. Under the hill there, although it was small, there was an immense number of the wicked, amounting to many thousands, all of whom were then cast into the hells - because from them, as long as they are there, an exhalation arises to the inhabitants of the city, which infests them and changes their affections and thoughts. On some occasions, also, certain ones go out from thence, and make their appearance; but they return again. This occurs under the cities, in many places. Thus, also, are the cities always cleansed by the Lord.

Experientiae Spirituales 5360 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5360. Observatum quod in una urbe vix quartus numerus qui ibi apparerent, qui diverso genio fuerunt, et sic qui tergum verterunt ad alios non apparebant, solum tunc quando in aliquam similitudinem affectionis se verterunt. Pars quae prorsus alio genio esset, et non concordaret cum oppidanis, illis habitatio data est sub urbe, et hoc variis locis, vidi in Londino ibi congestam humum instar parvi collis, et introitum sub illam, ibi sub colle, tametsi parvo, erat ingens numerus malorum, usque ad plura millia, qui omnes dein conjecti sunt in inferna, nam usque ab illis, subit exhalatio in incolas urbis, quae infestat eos, et affectiones et cogitationes variat; aliquoties etiam quidam inde exeunt, et apparent, sed redeunt: hoc fit sub urbibus in multis locis, ita quoque a Domino repurgantur urbes, semper.

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