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《灵界经历》 第5361节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5361

5361. 1Besides this, in the regions outside cities and sometimes in the cities, there are very many who although evil are not thrown down, and although good are not immediately raised into heaven. These are those who have come from the world in the past 10 to 20 years who are of service to people on earth and through whom, as through mediums, communication with the hells and with the heavens takes place. They are in the world of spirits, for those who are in the hells cannot be drawn out of the hells after they have been fully purged. Sometimes there are some [who so serve] who have not been fully purged, because those who have been purged are held in hell and cannot be drawn out of it, because as soon as they poke out their head they are dreadfully tormented. Those who have come from the world and serve as mediums are purged in the intervening period, which is done from the head all the way to the heel, for every least part of a person's body and spirit corresponds to some society, if good to a society in heaven, if evil to a society in hell. The evil are purged as to all their hypocritical, that is to say, outwardly true and good qualities displayed in the world, consequently leaving their evil and false qualities remaining. The good, however, are purged as to their evil and false practices, which are separated from them, consequently leaving their good and true qualities remaining, and as a result they are raised into heaven. All things follow in a series in this way.


1. This paragraph is emphasized marginally by "N.B"

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5361

5361. Moreover, outside of the cities, in the environs, and sometimes within the cities, are very many, such as, although wicked, are not cast down, and such as, although good, are not immediately raised up to heaven. These are such as have arrived from the world within the last 10 to 20 years, who minister to men, and through whom, as subjects, communication is effected with the hells and with the heavens. These are the ones who are in the world of spirits; for those who are in the hells can not be drawn out of them after having been fully vastated. Sometimes, some [may be drawn out] who have not been fully vastated; for those who have been vastated are kept in hell, neither can they be drawn out thence, for as soon as ever they thrust forth their head from thence, they are tormented dreadfully. They who are from the world, and serve as subjects, are vastated in the meanwhile; and this occurs from head to foot; for every single particle of the body of man and spirit, corresponds to some society - if good, to a society in heaven; if evil, to a society in hell. The evil are vastated as to all the hypocritical, or external, truths and goods they possessed in the eyes of the world, their evils and falses thus remaining. But the good are vastated as to evils and falses of act, which are separated from them, their goods and truths thus remaining; and so they are raised up to heaven. Thus all things follow on.

Experientiae Spirituales 5361 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5361. Praeterea extra urbes in regionibus et quandoque intra urbes sunt perplures, qui tametsi mali non dejiciuntur, et tametsi boni non statim elevantur in coelum, sunt illi qui e mundo venerunt intra 10 ad 20 annos, qui inserviunt hominibus, et per quos ut per subjecta communicatio fit cum infernis et cum coelis, illi sunt qui in mundo spirituum sunt, nam ab infernis non extrahi possunt qui ibi sunt postquam plene vastati 1

, quandoque aliqui qui non plene vastati, nam qui vastati sunt in inferno tenentur nec possunt inde extrahi; statim enim ut caput inde ejiciunt, cruciantur dire. Illi qui e mundo et serviunt pro subjectis, interea vastantur, quod fit a capite usque ad calcem, nam unaquaevis particula corporis hominis et spiritus correspondet societati alicui si bonus societati in coelo, si malus societati in inferno; mali vastantur quoad omnia vera et bona hypocritica seu externa coram mundo, remanentibus sic malis et eorum falsis; boni autem vastantur quoad mala et falsa actualia, quae separantur ab illis, remanentibus sic bonis et eorum veris, et sic elevantur in coelum. Ita succedunt omnia.


1. Sidebar: NB.

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