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《灵界经历》 第5364节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5364

5364. That this is the case was also found from the fact that those who said that they had had faith, because they were somewhat versed in doctrine, yet had not lived according to it, were led around to where there were various Divine truths they said they believed, and before they got there cried, "We believe it." But as soon as they came to the place, they themselves realized that they had not believed anything; and this happened at all of these places where there was truth that they said they had believed. The same thing happens with others who are examined as to whether they who have not lived the truth actually believe it, that is to say, accepted it into their will by living it. I too was led through various places below and above, and I found that there were varieties [of truth] everywhere. In hell they were similar but opposite.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5364

5364. That this is the case, was also discovered by the circumstance that such as said they had faith because they were somewhat versed in doctrine though they did not live according to it, were led round about to where were the kinds of Divine Truth which they said they believed; and, before they arrived there, they cried out, "We believe it;" but, as soon as they came to that place, they themselves discovered that they have believed nothing. And this occurred at all those places where was the truth which they said they had believed. A similar thing occurs with all others when explored as to whether they believe the truth when they have not lived it, or received it in their will by life. I was also conducted through various places, below and above; and it was ascertained that there were variations everywhere. In hell are similar variations - but they are opposite.

Experientiae Spirituales 5364 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5364. Quod ita sit etiam compertum est per id quod qui dixerunt se fidem habuisse, quia calluerunt aliquid doctrinae, et non vixerunt secundum id, deducit sint circumcirca, ubi Divini Veri varietates erant, quod dixerunt se credere, et antequam illuc venirent clamabant "credimus id," sed ut primum ad locum illum venerunt, compererunt ipsi quod nihil crediderint, et hoc factum ad omnia illa loca, ubi verum quod dixerunt se credidisse. Similiter fit cum aliis qui explorantur num credant verum, qui non vixerunt id, seu receperunt id in sua voluntate per vitam: etiam ego perductus sum per varia loca infra et supra, et compertum quod ubivis variationes essent. In inferno similes sed oppositae.

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