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《灵界经历》 第5363节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5363

5363. Those who are in the hells in gulfs, in quagmires, are together thrown into lakes from which they can then never come up, and if they do, as soon as they simply raise their head, they are tormented in dreadful ways, which I have also seen several times. They put out their head and arms only a little, but pulled them back quickly, because they were seized by dreadful, tormenting pain. The reason is that all places, wherever they are, are appearances formed from Divine Truth in things on the lowest level. Divine Truth appears in things on the lowest level in such forms as belong to nature, and all places receive Divine Truths variously, one differently than another. It is due to this that spirits and angels can immediately tell from the direction in which another spirit goes what the spirit's nature is as regards what is true and good, or as regards what is false and evil. The pathways of truth and good are different everywhere. It is also due to this that the homes of good spirits and angels are at various distances [from each other] and are situated according to their true and good elements. For this reason evil spirits who are thrown into hells, into the quagmires, the chasms and seas where there are evils below, if they put out their heads or arms, come upon Divine truths arising from good there, which they cannot bear in the least, because they are tormented by this.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5363

5363. Those who are cast into the hells, into the chasms, into the gulfs and into the seas, can never afterwards ascend from them; and, if they do ascend, even so much as only to raise the head, they are tormented in a dreadful manner; which, also, I several times witnessed. They protruded the head and arms but a little bit; but they instantly drew them back, for a dreadful pain and torment assailed them. The reason is, because all places, wherever they are, are appearances of Divine Truth in ultimates. Divine Truth in ultimates appears in such forms as those of nature, and all places receive Divine Truth variously - one differently from another. Hence it is that spirits and angels can at once see, from the gait of another spirit there, his quality as to truth and good, or as to falsity and evil. The paths of truth and good are everywhere varied. Hence, also, it is, that the abodes of good spirits and angels are variously distanced, and situated according to their truths and goods. Wherefore, the evil who are cast into the hells, into the gulfs, the chasms and the seas - where evils are beneath - if they thrust forth their heads, or shoulders, fall into the hands of the Divine Truth from Good which is there. They cannot endure this at all; for thence they suffer torment.

Experientiae Spirituales 5363 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5363. Qui in inferna, in hiatus, in voragines, in maria conjiciuntur, inde nusquam dein ascendere possunt, et si ascendunt, usque ut modo caput elevent, cruciantur diro modo, quod etiam aliquoties vidi, exsertarunt caput modo quoad pusillum ac brachium, sed retraxerunt derepente, nam invasit dirus dolor et cruciatus. Causa est quia omnia loca ubicunque sunt, sunt apparentiae Divini Veri in ultimis, Divinum Verum in ultimis apparet in formis quales sunt naturae, et omnia loca varie recipiunt Divinum Verum, aliter unum quam alterum, inde est, quod spiritus et angeli statim videre possint ex gressu alius spiritus ibi, qualis est quoad verum et bonum, vel quoad falsum et malum, viae veri et boni ubivis variantur, inde quoque est quod domicilia spirituum bonorum et angelorum distent varie, et sita sint secundum eorum vera et bona, quare mali qui conjecti in inferna, in voragines, hiatus et maria, ubi mala sunt infra, si exserunt capita vel brachia, incidunt in Divinum verum ex bono ibi, quod prorsus non tolerant, inde enim cruciantur.

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