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《灵界经历》 第5366节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5366

5366. After this I heard how the case was with the last judgment on the Dutch. All were thrown out of their cities and villages and off of their land who did nothing good from religious belief, or conscience, but only on account of their reputation so that they might appear honest for the sake of profit. Because when reputation and profit are taken away, which happens in the other life, spirits like this then rush into to every kind of wickedness, plundering everyone whatever without the least mercy. There was an immense number of such; I saw and heard up to many thousands expelled and hurled into a dark chasm extending obliquely under the eastern tract, and also a part into the chasm extending under the southern tract on the side that verges to the east, but still not in the same one in which the Catholic crowd, but somewhat toward the front. This went on for a rather long time. This took place on the 9th of January, 1757 to those remaining who had something of conscience, and so something of religion.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5366

5366. I afterwards heard how it was with the Last Judgment upon the Dutch. All of those were cast out of their cities, mansions and lands, who have done nothing good from any religious or conscientious motives, but only for reputation - in order that they may appear honest - with an eye to gain. For, when their regard for reputation and gain is removed, as happens in the other life, then such ones rush into every crime, plundering everybody without any mercy. There was an immense number of such characters, amounting to many myriads. I saw and heard them expelled, and cast into the dark chasm that sloped obliquely under the eastern district; and part also into a chasm extending beneath the southern district, on the side where it verges towards the east, but yet not into that same one into which the Catholic crew was cast, but somewhat more to the front. This continued quite a long time. It occurred on the 9th day of January, 1757. Those who had something of conscience, and something of religion, thus remained.

Experientiae Spirituales 5366 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5366. Postea audivi quomodo [cum] ultimo judicio super Hollandos se habuit, ex urbibus suis, ex villis, et ex terris suis ejecti sunt omnes illi, qui nihil boni fecerunt ex aliqua religione seu conscientia, sed solum [propter] famam, ut sinceri appareant propter lucrandum, tales enim cum intuitio famae et lucri aufertur, quod fit in altera vita, tunc ruunt in omne nefas, spoliando quoscunque absque ulla misericordia: ingens numerus talium, usque ad plures myriades vidi et audivi expulsos, et conjectos in hiatum tenebrosum oblique tendentem sub tractum orientalem; et quoque pars in hiatum tendentem sub tractum meridionalem a parte qua vergit ad orientem, sed usque non in eundem in quem turba Catholica, verum anterius aliquantum; hoc perstabat satis diu, factum die 9 Jan. 1757: remanentibus illis qui aliquid conscientiae habuerunt, ita aliquid religionis.

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