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《灵界经历》 第5369节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5369

5369. 1The English, however, appear a little forward to the right, higher up on a level above the head since they are of an entirely different nature and disposition. The light [lux] with them is seen more inwardly, and what is spiritual is received in it. They immediately perceive what flows in and also immediately take it in. Those of them who have thought about God from religious belief, and from this have acted honestly, see faith's truths quite clearly and do not descend into their earthly thinking since this [thinking] is not affected by such [religious] thought and is full of worldly things, and as a result in darkness just as with others. The reason is that they love honesty and act from honesty, and that doing this is ordinary for them.


1. This paragraph is emphasized marginally by "N.B." and by "The English"

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5369

5369. The English, however, appear a little forward, to the right, higher up, in a plane above the head. Inasmuch as they are of an entirely different genius, light [lux] appears to exist interiorly amongst them, and a spiritual element is received in it. They perceive, instantly, whatever inflows, and also receive it instantly. Those of them who have thought about God from a religious ground, and have hence acted honorably, see the truths of faith quite clearly; nor do they let them down into their natural mind, inasmuch as this is not so much occupied and filled with worldly things, and hence so obscure, as with others. The reason is, because they love sincerity, and act from it, and because this is a general characteristic with them. 1


1. It must be remembered that this description and that in no. 5357, above, were penned 130 years ago. It is to be feared, that, since that time, the English character has undergone considerable deterioration in the matter of plain dealing. -ED.

Experientiae Spirituales 5369 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5369. Angli autem apparent paulo anterius ad dextrum, editius, in plano supra caput; quoniam illi prorsus alio genio sunt, 1

lux apud illos apparet interius, in qua recipitur spirituale, perspiciunt actutum quod influit, et quoque actutum recipiunt, qui eorum cogitarunt de Deo ex religione, et inde sincerum fecerunt, 2

illi satis clare vident vera fidei, nec demittunt in naturale suum, quoniam hoc non ita occupatum est et plenum mundanis, et inde obscurum sicut apud alios. Causa est, quia sincerum amant, et ex sincero agunt, et quod hoc commune sit illis.


1. Sidebar: NB.

2. Sidebar: Angli

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