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《灵界经历》 第5368节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5368

5368. 1The Dutch nation is such that it excels in judgment from an earthly light [lumen]. From this earthly light they see things quite rightly, especially things in the world; and because they are constantly thinking about their business, [these things] are not seen more inwardly in heavenly light although it is hidden away in their earthly being. On this account they can also grasp what is true in religion, although when they are convinced, they turn their back and don't care about it much. They are not so much interested in profit as in doing business itself. For them doing business is itself their end in view and love, and money is the means; therefore they love the latter on account of the former. The avaricious are different: for them money is their end in view and love, and business is the means.


1. This paragraph is emphasized marginally by "N.B." and by "The Dutch"

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5368

5368. The Dutch nation are such that, from natural lumen, they excel in judgment. From that lumen, they take an exceedingly just view of matters, especially such as are in the world. And, inasmuch as they constantly think upon their business, they do not appear to be interiorly in heavenly light [lux]; but, yet, this is concealed in their natural light [lumen]. 1For this reason, they are also able to apprehend whatever is true in religion; but yet, although convinced, they turn their backs, and care little. They do not act thus out of regard for profit, so much as on account of their business itself. Business itself is their end and love, and money is a means. They therefore love the latter for the sake of the former. The avaricious are otherwise; to them, money is the end and love and business is a means.


1. We have ventured here to read lumine (=light) in preference to the Latin Editor's homine (=man). -ED.

Experientiae Spirituales 5368 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5368. Gens Hollandica talis est, ut valeat judicio, ex lumine naturali, ex illo lumine admodum juste intuentur res, imprimis quae in mundo; et quia cogitant jugiter de negotiatione sua, non apparent interius in luce coelesti, sed usque se recondit in naturali illorum homine; 1

quapropter etiam capere possunt quid in religione verum, sed usque cum convincuntur, vertunt tergum; et parum curant; illi non ita sunt pro lucro quam pro ipsa negotiatione, ipsa negotiatio illis est finis et amor, 2

ac pecuniae sunt media, has itaque propter illam amant; aliter avari, his pecunia est finis et amor, et negotiatio medium.


1. Sidebar: NB.

2. Sidebar: Hollandi

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