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《灵界经历》 第5371节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5371

5371. They show favor to all in the other life as long as they say they are wise and praise them above others. And certain do so if they profit from it. Thus they explain and bend the Word however they want. These are meant [in the Word] by the filthy adulterers, namely those who lie with their daughters-in-law and consent to adulteries of sons with their mothers or stepmothers. Such is their religion. But there are diverse kinds of them, for they make up part of the whole dragon. Those who are utterly sensual are the ones who form the tail.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5371

5371. In the other life, these persons justify all, merely in order that they may be called wise and be extolled above others; and some thus explain and bend [all things] at their pleasure, if only they may gain something by it. These are meant by filthy adulterers, those, namely, who lie with their daughters-in-law, and who love adulteries of sons with their mothers, or stepmothers. Just such is the character of their religion. But there are different kinds of them; for together they make up the whole of the dragon. Those who are altogether sensual are the ones who constitute its tail.

Experientiae Spirituales 5371 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5371. Illi in altera vita omnibus favent, modo se sapientes dicant et extollant super alios, et quidam si lucrentur, ita Verbum explicant et flectunt ad libitum; hi intelliguntur per foede adulteros, qui nempe concumbunt cum nuribus suis, et qui adulteria volunt filiorum cum matribus seu novercis suis, talis est illorum religio; sed diversa eorum genera sunt, nam componunt draconem totum, qui prorsus sensuales illi sunt qui caudam faciunt.

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