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《灵界经历》 第5372节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5372

5372. Many like this were seen and were heard as to how they misled the common people and defend whatever evil, disparaging true doctrine and entirely rejecting the inward sense of the Word. They were gathered into a group and sent into an abyss. Their abyss is in the southern quarter somewhat distant from the border, where it joins the eastern quarter. A fire like a coal fire, which is the love of self and the world, was seen there, and they were hurled into it, some higher up, some deeper down, and they are held bound there. It is because of this that it is said that the dragon was sent into the abyss and held bound there for a thousand years [Rev. 20:2-3].

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5372

5372. Many such persons were seen; and it was heard how they mislead the multitude and patronize every evil, abusing true doctrine and wholly rejecting the internal sense of the Word. They were gathered into one mass and sent into an abyss. Their abyss is in the southern quarter, at some distance from the boundary where it is joined with the eastern quarter. I beheld, there, a burning as it were of coal - which is the love of self and the world; and they were cast in there, some higher up, some lower down, and they are kept there, bound. Hence it is that it is said of the dragon, that he is sent into the abyss and kept there bound a thousand years. 1


1. Revelation 20:2, 3.

Experientiae Spirituales 5372 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5372. Tales plures visi sunt, et auditi quomodo vulgus seducerent, ac patrocinarentur cuicunque malo, vituperando veram doctrinam, et sensum Verbi internum prorsus rejiciendo, illi in unum collecti missi sunt in abyssum, abyssus illorum est in plaga meridionali aliquantum distante a termino, ubi conjungitur cum plaga orientali; ibi visum est igneum sicut carbonarium, quod est amor sui et mundi, et illuc conjecti sunt, quidam altius quidam profundius, ac ibi tenentur vincti; inde est quod de dracone dicatur quod missus in abyssum, et ibi vinctus teneatur mille annos [Apoc. XX: 2-3].

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