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《灵界经历》 第5377节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5377

5377. About the destruction of the ancient heaven, that is, about the changes there

There is an expanse higher yet, above the middle where the Christians are, that did not appear to me earlier, nor did it to those below. It is high above the head all around. Certain [spirits] said they do not see it although they had seen the ones ascending into it as if into a cloud, but they were seen to have vanished at a certain level of ascent. All from the Christian world ascend there who thought about God and who led a life of piety, thus those whose inward parts had been opened a little, but not otherwise than by a life of piety and thought about God.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5377


There is a still higher expanse above the middle space where Christians are. It did not appear to me before, neither did it appear to those who are beneath. It is high up over the head, round about. Some said, that they do not see it, but that yet they saw some ascending as it were into a cloud, who, however, vanished at a certain height. Thither ascended all from the Christian world, who have thought about God and led a life of piety; thus, whose interiors were slightly open, but this only by their life of piety and thought about God.

Experientiae Spirituales 5377 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5377. De destructione coeli veteris, seu de mutationibus ibi

Est adhuc expansum superius, supra medium ubi Christiani, quod non prius apparuit mihi, nec apparet illis qui infra, hoc alte supra caput circumcirca est: dixerunt quidam quod non videant illud, sed usque quod viderint ascendentes, sicut in nimbum, sed evanuisse ad aliquem ascensum, illuc e Christiano orbe ascenderunt omnes qui de Deo cogitarunt, et qui vitam pietatis egerunt, sic quibus parum eorum interiora aperta fuerint, sed non nisi quam per pietatis vitam, et per cogitationem de Deo.

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