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《灵界经历》 第5399节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5399

5399. Those were explored who do not have any charity toward the neighbor, not those who are unmerciful and their like, because these are immediately noticed to be of a hellish nature, but those who from their speech and outward appearance do not appear to be [like this], but yet at heart and within are. These are they who say they are for their country and its welfare, and also act and speak as if they were for them, and yet are not because those who are for the welfare of their fatherland entertain charity toward the neighbor because the welfare of the fatherland is the neighbor and is the neighbor more than a fellow citizen. They were examined by being asked whether they wished well to the Kingdom of the Lord, thus to heaven, for those who wish well to their fatherland also wish well to the Kingdom of the Lord, for then this is to them their fatherland. In the other life no other fatherland is known. There were those who so acted and spoke for the kingdom of the Lord, speaking and acting well with those whom they know to be of the kingdom of the Lord. But when they believed that kingdom would fall in some way and saw its state changed, they were immediately with those who were destroying it and brought them assistance. Those being explored were scattered all around, and when such were noticed, they were hurled in all directions into chasms and into uninhabited places. It was noticed that they constantly put their own good before the public good and promoted the public good in so far it was good for them. It was, in fact, good for them, and as long as it was, they were not noticed. But when a change of state was noticed, they were inclined to throw themselves over to the opposite side, hoping in this way for good from evils on the basis of their conviction.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5399

5399. Those were explored who had not any charity towards the neighbor - not those who are unmerciful, and of such a disposition; for these are at once seen to be infernal - but they who do not appear so in words and in outward form, but yet are so in heart and internally. They are those who say they are for their country and its good, and likewise act and speak as if they were for it, and yet are not; for those who are for the good of their country have charity towards the neighbor - for the good of their country is the neighbor, and more the neighbor than a fellow-citizen is. These were explored by the following criterion, namely, as to whether they wished well to the Lord's Kingdom, thus to heaven; for they who wish well to their country also wish well to the Kingdom of the Lord; for after death this is their country: in the other life; no other country is recognized. They were those who have thus acted and spoken in favor of the Lord's Kingdom, by thus speaking and acting well towards those whom they knew to be of the Lord's Kingdom, but, when they believed it would fail in any way, and saw its states changed, then, at once joined those who destroyed, and bore them help. They [i.e. those thus explored] were scattered round about; and, when any of such a quality were perceived, they were cast into chasms and deserts on every side. It was observed that they constantly preferred their own good to that of the public, and only favored the public good so far as good would thence accrue to them. Good, also, did accrue to them; and so long as this was the case, no notice was taken of them; but, when the change of state was perceived, they cast themselves at once on to the opposite side, thus hoping, by virtue of their persuasion, to get good out of evils.

Experientiae Spirituales 5399 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5399. Explorati qui non aliquam charitatem erga proximum haberent, non qui immisericordes sunt, et tales, quia hi statim animadvertuntur quod infernales, sed qui non ore et in externa forma [tales] apparent, sed usque qui corde sunt et in interno, sunt illi qui dicunt se pro patria et ejus bono esse, et quoque agunt et loquuntur sicut forent pro illo, et usque non sunt, nam illi charitatem erga proximum habent, qui pro bono patriae sunt, nam bonum patriae est proximus, et proximus prae concivi; illi explorati per id num bene vellent Regno Domini, ita coelo, nam qui bene volunt patriae, etiam bene volunt Regno Domini, nam hoc illis tunc est patria, in altera vita non alia noscitur patria; fuerunt qui ita egerunt et loquuti sunt pro regno Domini, bene loquendo et agendo cum illis quos sciverunt e regno Domini esse, sed cum crederent quod laberetur aliquo modo, ac viderent mutari status ejus, tunc actutum erant cum illis qui destruebant, et auxilium ferebant: illi erant circumcirca sparsi, et cum tales animadversi conjecti sunt in hiatus et in deserta undequaque. Animadversum quod illi praeferrent jugiter suum bonum publico, et tantum faverent publico quantum inde bonum illis, fuerat etiam illis bonum, et tamdiu non animadversi, sed cum mutatio status animadversa, proni se conjiciebant in contrarium, sic sperantes bonum malis ex persuasione.

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