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《灵界经历》 第5400节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5400

5400. After this all those were cast out who had no concern at all for the truths of the Church, which they did not even make an effort to know and refused to know as if they were very remote from them. And [they regarded] more inward truths as hostile. There was an immense number of them, for they were all those who thought nothing about religion, but only about outward worship out of habit acquired from childhood, and on account of their reputation, lest they be called profane. For one who does not care about the truths of the Church cannot be led to heaven by the Lord, for through these truths one is led, imbued with faith and love for them, and thus is led to thinking them and doing them. All these are such also that they want to command and to lead others, thus not to be led, which is also gathered by the fact that wherever they saw someone beyond their own tract, they immediately attacked him, subduing him, leading him just as if he were their slave, and not even allowing him to think for himself. Thus they wanted to take possession of others. All those who loathed the truths of faith are like this. But the gentiles care about their religious beliefs and love to know more inwards things and to live according to them. But among Christians there are very few [who care about religious beliefs], except for only priests and elders. Many of these, and the greater part of them too, learn these things on account of getting a reputation for learning so that they may be raised to honors and be highly esteemed, and on account of preaching, thus on account of themselves but not on account of living according to them and thus amending their life.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5400

5400. All those were afterwards cast out who cared nothing at all about the truths of the Church: which they did not even desire to know, and declined to become acquainted with as being far removed from them, and interior truths as being inimical to them. There was a vast number of such; for they have all thought nothing about religion, but only about external worship arising in habit inculcated from childhood, and from regard for their good name, lest they should be reputed irreligious. For he who does [not] care for the truths of the Church, cannot be led by the Lord to heaven; for it is by those truths that he is led, because he is imbued with the faith and love of them, and is thus led to think them and do them. All these persons, also, were of such a character that they wished to rule and lead others, thus, not to be themselves led, - which, also, was ascertained by the fact, that, wherever they saw anyone, outside of their region, they immediately infested him, by subjugating him, leading him as their slave, not even suffering him to think for himself: thus did they desire to obsess others. All who have hated the truths of faith are of such a character. Gentiles, however, care for their religious principles, and love to know interior truths and to live according to them; but amongst Christians there are very few like this, excepting priests and elders, of whom many, and even the greater part, learn these things for the sake of a reputation for learning, so that they may be promoted to honors and held in esteem, and for the sake of applause - thus for self's sake, and not in order to live according to them and thus amend their lives.

Experientiae Spirituales 5400 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5400. Postea ejecti sunt omnes illi, qui prorsus nihil curarunt vera Ecclesiae, quae ne quidem scire sategerunt, ac renuerunt scire sicut remotiora ab illis, et interiores veritates sicut inimicas, quorum ingens numerus fuit, omnes enim illi nihil de religione cogitarunt, sed modo de cultu externo ex habitu ab infantia, et propter famam ne impii dicerentur: qui enim vera Ecclesiae [non] curat, nec potest a Domino duci ad coelum, nam per illa ducitur, imbuitur enim fide et amore eorum, et sic ducitur ad cogitandum ea et ad faciendum ea. Illi omnes etiam tales erant, ut imperare vellent, ac alios ducere, ita non duci, quod etiam compertum est per id, quod ubicunque viderent aliquem extra suum tractum, statim infestarent eum, subjugando eum, ducendo eum sicut suum servum, ne quidem patiendo ut cogitet ex se, sic obsidere volebant alios: omnes qui exosi sunt vera fidei, tales sunt. Gentiles vero curant religiosa sua, et amant scire interiora, et vivere secundum illa: at inter Christianos perpauci, nisi solum sacerdotes et presbyteri, quorum multi et quoque plurima pars discit illa propter eruditionis famam, ut evehantur ad honores, et aestimentur, et propter praedicationes, ita propter se, sed non propter vivere secundum illa, ita ad emendandam vitam suam.

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