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《灵界经历》 第5401节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5401

5401. At the border in the west were seen women who attacked whomever they saw. And when they returned to their dwelling, it was seen that they made their ways back through many roundabout ways and then blocked off the rest of the ways lest after they attacked they could be gotten to and punished. I was brought there, and behold there was an enormous number of women who in the world had been whores, numbering to several hundred thousand. They were then hurled into a stagnant marsh that was further away at their back in the west, and there into hells, and their houses were destroyed. They were as the kind who had kept on being like this throughout their whole life.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5401

5401. At the boundary in the west, there appeared women who infested whomsoever they saw; and it was perceived, that, when they returned to their residences, they made their way through many roundabout paths and blocked up the rest, lest they should be tracked after they have been infesting, and punished. I was brought to this boundary; and, behold, there was a vast multitude of women who in the world have been harlots, numbering many hundreds of thousands. All these were then cast thence into a marshy pond, which is some distance off at the back of those in the west, and into hells there; and their houses were destroyed. They had been such as continued in those courses during the whole of their life.

Experientiae Spirituales 5401 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5401. Apparebant ad terminum in occidente mulieres, quae infestabant quoscunque videbant, et visum cum redirent illae ad mansionem suam [quod] fecerint sibi vias per plures ambages, et obstruxerint reliquas ne adirentur postquam infestarunt, et punirentur, illuc allatus sum et ecce erat ingens numerus mulierum, quae in mundo fuerunt meretrices, ad plura centena millia, illae tunc inde omnes conjectae sunt in stagnum paludinosum quod remotius a tergo earum in occidente, et ibi in inferna, ac domus earum destructae; fuerant tales quae ita manserunt in tota vita sua.

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