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《灵界经历》 第5405节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5405

5405. About the remainder of the Catholic people, and a continuation about Babel

There was an enormous multitude of that people, not in monasteries, living to the east, occupying the whole region all the way from the eastern region beyond the southern one. It stretched out toward the gentiles there, on the mountains there and in the planes below and above. This whole multitude was transferred from the east by a direct route all the way to the west, into another part of the Babylonian tract there where locations were given to it on the hills and planes over a widely extended area.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5405


Of that community, there was a vast multitude who were not in the monasteries, dwelling at the east and occupying that whole region - all the way from the eastern quarter above the southern - which extended itself towards the gentiles there, upon the mountains at that part, and in the plains, beneath and above. And all this multitude was transferred from the east, by a direct way right into the west, into another part of the Babylonish region there; in which place residences were given them upon hills and plains, through a great extent of country.

Experientiae Spirituales 5405 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5405. De Catholica gente residua, et continuatio de Babele

Fuit ingens multitudo illius gentis, quae non in monasteriis, habitans ad orientem, occupans totam illam plagam, usque ab orientali plaga supra meridionalem, quae extendebat se versus gentiles ibi, super montibus ibi, in planitiebus, infra et supra, omnis illa multitudo translata est ab oriente via recta usque in occidentem, in alteram partem tractus babylonici ibi, ubi sedes ei data super collibus et planitiebus per multam extensionem.

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