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《灵界经历》 第5406节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5406

5406. A large part of that people was such as had lived in good, although not in truths. They had done what was good according to their religious belief and were of such a nature that they had not harmed others nor devised schemes. The fact that they still had an affection for truth from goodness was evident from the fact that along the way they borrowed silver and clothing just as the Sons of Israel did from the Egyptians, which symbolized [asking] for knowledge from those who possessed knowledge. The Egyptians from whom they were seeking [this] were Protestants, who, although they did not have goodness, had truths. This was heard several times.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5406

5406. Great part of this communion were such as have lived in good although they have not been in truths: they have practiced good according to their religious belief. They were of that disposition that they did not injure others, nor devise schemes [against them]. That from their good they were always in the affection of truth, was plain from the fact, that, on their way, they time after time asked silver and garments from others, like the children of Israel from the Egyptians - which signifies [obtaining] knowledges from those who were in knowledges. The ones of whom they asked these things were the Egyptians - they were Protestants who were not in good although in truths. This was heard several times.

Experientiae Spirituales 5406 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5406. Multa pars ejus gentis fuit talis ut in bono vixerit, tametsi non in veris, secundum religiosum suum praestiterunt bonum, et eo genio erant, quod non aliis nocerent, nec machinarentur artes, quod usque in affectione veri ex bono essent, patebat ex eo quod in via petierint mutuo argentum et vestes ab aliis, sicut filii Israelis ab Aegyptiis, quod significabat cognitiones ab iis qui in cognitionibus erant, Aegyptii a quibus hi petebant erant protestantes, qui non in bono tametsi in veris; hoc auditum aliquoties.

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