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《灵界经历》 第5408节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5408

5408. A sufficient number from that sort of people remains, as does a number from all others, for the service of the people of that group, for every type of people is served by its own, sometimes by others, thus the Catholics by their own. I saw the city of Rome at the right between the south and the west but within the tract of Babylon, and I saw all the streets there, but neither Mount Cavallo nor Peter's Church was seen. The monasteries too remain there, but it was not said how long.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5408

5408. There remains a sufficient number of that communion, as of all others, for the service of the men of that communion; or every communion is served by its own [spirits], though sometimes by others: thus, Catholics by theirs. I saw, there, the city of Rome, at the right between the south and west but within the Babylonish region; and I saw all the streets there, but not the Monte Cavallo, nor the Church of St. Peter: these did not appear. The monasteries, also, remain there; but how long was not said.

Experientiae Spirituales 5408 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5408. Remanent ex illa gente, sicut ex omnibus aliis, quantum satis est ad servitium hominum istius gentis, nam unaquaevis gens servitur a suis, quandoque ab aliis, ita Catholici a suis, vidi ibi urbem Romam ad dextrum inter meridiem et occidentem, sed intra tractus Babyloniae et vidi omnes plateas ibi, sed non mons Cavallo, nec Templum Petri visa sunt: etiam monasteria ibi remanent, sed quamdiu non dictum.

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