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《灵界经历》 第5407节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5407

5407. They are educated in the place into which they have been brought. Priests are given to them who teach them, since they are only in good and not in truths, entirely like the gentiles. The Christian religion is entirely extinct there so that there is scarcely anything left, since they do not have the Word by which they may be taught about the truths of religion. They [i.e., the Catholics] acknowledge the Lord, but without any power of saving, saying that they possesses His power. They make themselves deities, forgive sins, bring into heaven, throw into hell, save whomsoever they will, and give them aid. They sell salvation and proclaim saints for the sake of gain. They see and tolerate the worship of themselves and of idols which they also set out everywhere. They say masses, in Latin, instead of preaching, that is in place of giving instruction. They fashion an external holiness, without with what is internal. The internal is empty because there is no awareness of truths. They guard against things being learned from books. They teach only a goodness that is not genuine, which is that they give to monasteries and holily dedicate their revered little stones for the salvation of souls, again and again. In a word, they know nothing of the truth, and those of their leaders who are educated are for the most part atheists, because they are taken up solely with the desire of ruling and possessing the whole world, living self-indulgently and in leisure. And they strive to make the universe serve, that is to say, to have all people be their servants. Because they do not have truths, they live not far from the gentiles, for their good qualities are like the good qualities found with the gentiles. For they no longer have any Christian religion, for as regards heaven and salvation they do not think about the Lord, but about the pope and the prelates, and about holy things; the rest are hidden away. They only know that the Lord exists, that there is a heaven and hell, and that there is a life after death, but of the faith and charity through which the Lord must be worshiped and through which there is heaven and eternal life, they know nothing.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5407

5407. These were taught in the residence to which they were carried. There were given them priests to instruct them, inasmuch as they are only in good and not in truth, altogether like the gentiles. The Christian religion in that communion is altogether extinct, so that scarcely a vestige of it remains; inasmuch as they have not the Word by which to be instructed about the truths of religion. They [i.e. the Catholics] acknowledge the Lord, but as without any power of saving; saying that they themselves have His power. They make for themselves idols; they remit sins; they introduce into heaven; they cast into hell; they save whomsoever they will and give them wealth; they sell salvation; they preach holy things for the sake of gain; they witness and tolerate the worshipping of themselves and of idols, which, also, they exhibit everywhere. They make missals in the Latin tongue in the place of preachings, or in the place of instruction; they make a holy external apart from say internal - the internal is a void, because there is not the knowledge of truth; they hinder instructions from books; they teach only spurious good, that is, that people should give to the monasteries and sanctify themselves by rosary worship on behalf of souls, continually: in a word, they know nothing of truth. Those, too, of their prelates who are learned, are, for the most part, atheists, because only in the lust of ruling and of possessing the whole world, living for glory and in idleness. They also strive to make the universe serve them, or all men to be their servants. Therefore, they have no truths, and they therefore dwell not far from the gentiles; for their goods are like the goods which are with the gentiles. In fact, they no longer have anything of the Christian religion; for, as regards heaven and salvation, they do not think of the Lord but of Pope, cardinals and saints: all other things are hidden from them. They know only that the Lord is, that there is a heaven and a hell, and that there is a life after death; but of faith and charity, by which the Lord is worshipped, and by which heaven and eternal life [are secured], they know nothing.

Experientiae Spirituales 5407 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5407. Erudiuntur illi in sede in quam allati sunt, dantur illis sacerdotes qui instruant, quoniam illi solum in bono sunt, et non in vero, prorsus sicut gentiles, religio Christiana ibi exstincta prorsus est, ut vix reliquiae, quoniam non Verbum habent, quo instruantur de veris religionis, Dominum agnoscunt sed absque ulla potestate salvandi, se possidere ejus potestatem dicentes, se faciunt numina, remittunt peccata, introducunt in coelum, conjiciunt in infernum, salvant quoscunque velint, et illis dant opes, vendunt salutem, sanctos praedicant lucri causa, vident et tolerant adorationes eorum, ac idolorum, quae etiam exponunt undequaque; missas faciunt loco praedicationum seu loco informationis, idomate latino, sanctum externum faciunt, absque interno, internum est vacuum quia non cognitio veri, informationes ex libris praecavent, docent modo bonum spurium, quod est ut dent monasteriis, et sanctificent suos lapillos adoratorios, pro animabus continue, verbo nihil veri sciunt, et qui eorum antistites eruditi sunt quoad plurimam partem athei, quia solum in cupiditate regnandi, ac possidendi totum mundum, viventes genio et in otio, et affectant ut universum serviat, seu ut omnes eorum servi sint: quare nec illis vera, ideo non procul a gentilibus habitant, nam boni eorum sunt sicut boni apud gentiles. Nam nulla illis amplius religio Christiana, nam quoad coelum et salvationem non cogitant de Domino, sed de papa et de antistitibus, et de sanctis; reliqua abscondita sunt. Sciunt modo quod Dominus sit, quod coelum et infernum, quod vita post mortem, sed de fide et charitate, per quae colendus est Dominus, et per quae coelum et vita aeterna, nihil sciunt.

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