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《灵界经历》 第5410节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5410

5410. After that a monastic tract was seen in the west beyond the Babylonian tract towards the northern corner, somewhat wider there, which nevertheless was bounded in the northern corner there at the west. Those moved there for whom there was no place in the Babylonian tract there and because they were of a nature different from them. That tract was beyond the Babylonian tract there which was destroyed. Where this one terminated was where that one was. That tract too was crammed with monasteries.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5410

5410. There was still seen a monastery-region in the west, somewhat widely extended, beyond the Babylonish territory, towards its northern angle; which was, nevertheless, terminated in the northern angle in the latter region at the west. Thither those transferred themselves who had no place in the Babylonish region in that part; and, because they differed in disposition from those, that territory was beyond where the destroyed Babylonish territory in that part terminated. This was its situation. That territory was crammed with monasteries also.

Experientiae Spirituales 5410 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5410. Visus est adhuc tractus monasterialis in occidente ultra tractum Babylonicum versus angulum septentrionis ibi aliquantum latius qui tamen terminabatur in angulo septentrionali ibi ad occidentem, ibi transtulerunt se quibus non locus fuit in tractu ibi babylonico, et quia differebant genio ab illis, tractus ille erat ultra tractum Babylonicum ibi destructum, ubi is terminabatur, hic erat, tractus ille erat quoque monasteriis refertus.

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