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《灵界经历》 第5411节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5411

5411. After this, I saw an enormous number brought down toward the south from the mountains that were beyond the destroyed western Babylonish tract, and also from the mountains in the south there. They were brought down by a way on the west to that monastic tract which will now be spoken of. And when that enormous multitude came there, it appeared as if there was a flood below, where the monasteries were, and then all who were there left the monasteries, and the greater part fled. A certain part mingled in with the people brought down there.

[5411] 1/2. Eventually this enormous multitude was examined: Who among them had affection for truth springing from good, that is to say, who among them had lived in the good of charity and had desired to know truths? This examination was seen like their suddenly being brought down from that tract through the north and east toward the south, and from there toward the center, which happened several times by turns. This is how an examination by changes of state appears. Those of them remained on the hills and on the plains who had affection of truth for the sake of truth and who consequently could be imbued with the truths of faith; the rest were sent to a monastic tract there, so they might stay there and be taught, where it was granted to them to live without [being in] monasteries. This was granted also to those of the monks who had affection for truth for the sake of truth.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5411

5411. Afterwards, I saw a vast number brought down from the mountains which were beyond the destroyed western Babylonish territory, towards the south, and also from the southern mountains there, and transferred by a way to the west of that monastery-region of which I have just spoken; and, when the vast multitude came thither, there appeared as it were an inundation there, where the monasteries were, below; and, then, all who were there came out of the monasteries, and the greatest part of them fled away. A certain woman mingled with the people who were brought down thither.

5411a. At length, the vast multitude was examined as to who among them were in the affection of truth from good, thus, have lived in the good of charity and have desired to know truths. That investigation was seen like a sudden bringing of them down from that region, through the north and east, towards the south, and thence towards the middle and this several times by turns: investigation by means of changes of state so appears. Those of them who remained in the midst, upon the hills and upon the plains there, were those who were in the affection of truth for the sake of truth, and were consequently imbued with the truths of faith. The rest - in order that they might stay there and be taught - were sent to the monastery-region there, where it was granted them to dwell apart from the monasteries. This was also granted to those from the monasteries who were in the affection of truth for the sake of truth.

Experientiae Spirituales 5411 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5411. Postea vidi ex montibus qui ultra tractum occidentalem Babylonicum destructum versus meridiem, et quoque ex montibus meridiei ibi ingentem numerum deferri, et hoc per viam occidentis ad tractum illum monasterialem, de quo nunc, et cum ingens illa multitudo illuc venit, apparebat sicut inundatio ibi, infra, ubi monasteria, et tunc omnes qui ibi ex monasteriis exibant, et plurima pars aufugiebat, quaedam se commiscuit populo illuc delato.

[5[411] 1/2. Tandem multitudo illa ingens explorata est, quinam eorum in affectione veri ex bono essent, ita qui vixerunt in bono charitatis desideraverunt scire vera, exploratio illa visa est sicut delatio eorum subita ex tractu illo per septentrionem orientem versus meridiem inde versus medium hoc aliquoties per vices, ita apparet exploratio per mutationes status: qui eorum remanserunt in medio super collibus ibi super planitie erant qui in affectione veri propter verum erant qui sic imbui veris fidei [potuerunt], reliqui missi sunt tractum monasterialem ibi, ut ibi remanerent ac docerentur, ubi dabatur illis habitare, absque monasteriis: etiam ex monachis qui in affectione veri propter verum erant, illis dabatur.

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