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《灵界经历》 第5413节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5413

5413. About mountain where there were Jesuits, and about miracles done by the heavenly doctrine

There was a certain one near me who was infesting others using diabolical tricks, and because such tricks come about through an inflow from individuals like this, where these were was therefore investigated. And it was learned that they were on a certain mountain in the western region toward its northern quarter. On this account those who make visitations were sent there from heaven, and it was learned that there were up to several thousand Jesuits there. They had gathered there and were living together in a city, as in a city, but one without monasteries. And it was learned that they worked by surveying the surrounding areas and as it were exercised control over many at a distance, and that to accomplish this they used evil tricks and also magic.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5413


There was a certain one near me who infested others with diabolical art; and, because such arts exist by influx from others of similar character, it was therefore inquired where those were, and it was discovered that they were upon a certain mountain in the western quarter, towards the northern angle. Wherefore, some were sent thither out of heaven, who visited the place; and it was discovered that those there were Jesuits, to the number of several thousands, who assembled themselves thither and dwelt together in a city, so as to be in the city but apart from the monasteries. It was discovered, also, that they acted by observation round about, and thus ruled over many at a distance; also, that they employed evil, and even magical, arts, to accomplish this.

Experientiae Spirituales 5413 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5413. De monte ubi Jesuitae, et de miraculis per doctrinam coelestem

Quidam prope me erat, qui diabolica arte infestabat alios, et quia tales artes existunt per influxum a similibus, ideo inquisitum ubinam illi essent, et compertum quod super monte quodam in occidentali plaga versus angulum septentrionalem, quapropter illuc missi e coelo, qui visitarent, et compertum quod ibi essent Jesuitae usque ad aliquot millia, qui se congregarunt illuc, et habitabant in urbe simul, ut in urbe, sed absque monasteriis; et quod illi agerent per visum circumcirca, et sicut dominarentur super plures ad distantiam, et quod ad hoc obtinendum usi sint artibus malis, et quoque magicis.

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