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《灵界经历》 第5412节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5412

5412. They were brought down into the center so that they might be instructed there because Protestants were there who had and knew doctrinal truths. And it was then seen that they wanted to, as it were, carry off their silver vessels and garments and the like from them, by which such doctrinal truths were symbolizedتust as the Sons of Israel had done from the Egyptians, for the Egyptians possessed knowledge.

[5412] 1/2. Treasures of gold and silver and of precious stones had been left underground in the monasteries in that new tract, and they were given to the new inhabitants there because they had affection for truth from good.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5412

5412. They were carried down into the midst, to be there instructed; because the Protestants, who had, and knew, the truths of doctrine, are there. And it was then seen that they wished to take away, as it were, their silver vessels and garments, and the like; just as the children of Israel did from the Egyptians. By that event, such things as are here narrated were signified; for the Egyptians were in science.

5412a. Treasures of gold and silver and of precious stones were left under the ground in that new territory amongst the monasteries; and these were given to the new inhabitants there, because they were in the affection of truth from good.

Experientiae Spirituales 5412 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5412. In medium delati sunt, quia ibi protestantes, qui vera doctrinae habebant et sciebant, ut ibi instruerentur; et visum tunc quod vellent quasi illis auferre vasa argentea eorum, vestes, et similia, sicut filii Israelis ab Aegyptiis, per quod talia significabantur, nam Aegyptii erant in scientia.

[5[412] 1/2. In novo illo tractu in monasteriis sub terra relictae fuerunt gazae ex auro argento ex lapidibus pretiosis hae datae sunt novis incolis ibi, quia in affectione veri ex bono erant.

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