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《灵界经历》 第5419节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5419

5419. After this a visitation was made among the monks who with their tricks had been able to produce that constant light. They were on a mountain also in the western region, not very far from the center, and were found there and examined. They first said that they had done this through prayers morning, noon, and evening. But they lied. They had created this light by a trick, which was that they threw heavenly doctrine onto a shoe, and in such a manner that there was fire around it. And when the shoe was put down, light was taken out of the fire and put into that lamp; and they also made shining, flying flags with this doctrine, by hurling it out on high, and then thinking about such things as appeared. Because these used such trickery, which was magic of the foulest kind since it was done with Divine truths, therefore in their case too the earth under their feet opened and they were swallowed up, cast down into hell.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5419

5419. After this, there was visitation among the monks. Those who, by their art, were able to produce that continuous burning [of the lamp], were in a mountain, also in the western quarter, not far distant from the middle; and they were found out there and examined. They said, first, that they had done it by means of prayers, morning, noon and evening; but they lied: they produced that burning from art, in that they cast heavenly doctrine into a crucible, and so into fire; and, when the crucible was let down, it [i.e. the heavenly doctrine] was taken away from the fire and placed in that lamp. They also produced that shining, floating flag by means of that doctrine, in a similar way; projecting it on high, and thinking then of such things as appeared. Because these employed such art - which was the foulest magic of all, because effected with Divine truths - therefore, they, also, [sank down]; the earth opened under the feet, and they were swallowed up and cast into hell.

Experientiae Spirituales 5419 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5419. Postea visitatum est apud monachos qui arte sua lucidum illud continuum potuerunt producere, erant in monte etiam in occidentali plaga, non ita remote a medio, et inventi ibi et explorati, dixerunt primum quod id fecerint per preces mane, meridie, et vespere, sed mentiti, fecerunt id lucidum ex arte, quod doctrinam coelestem conjecerint in calceum, et sic circum ignem, et cum demissus calceus exemtus igne, et postus in lucerna illa, et quod etiam illi fecerint signa volantia lucida similiter per doctrinam illam, projiciendo in altum, et cogitando tunc de talibus quae apparebant; hi quia tali arte usi sunt, quae magica turpissima, quia cum Divinis veris, ideo etiam illis terra sub pedibus aperta, et deglutiebantur, dejecti in infernum.

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