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《灵界经历》 第5418节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5418

5418. After these were found and a visitation was made to find out the nature of all and each of them there, namely the Jesuits, then first their treasury was overturned and entirely mixed with the dust of the earth there, and in this form completely crushed to powder. This having been done, the city with everyone in it sank into the depths, thus into hell, together with its treasury reduced to powder. And smoke rose from it that was dissipated roundabout.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5418

5418. After these things were found out, and there had been visitation of all and every single one of those of that quality who were there, namely, the Jesuits, then, to begin with, the treasure was whirled around, completely mingled with the dust of the earth there, and thus passed into dust; which having been done, the city, with all therein, together with the treasure reduced to dust, sank down into the deep, thus into hell and a smoke ascended therefrom, which was spread around.

Experientiae Spirituales 5418 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5418. Postquam haec inventa sunt, et visitatum quales omnes et singuli illi essent, qui ibi, nempe Jesuitae, tunc thesaurus primum circumvolvebatur, et prorsus commiscebatur pulveri terrae ibi, et sic in pulverem redigebatur quo facto urbs cum omnibus inibi subsidebat in profundum, ita in infernum, una cum thesauro in pulverem redacto, et exinde ascendebat fumus qui circum dissipabatur.

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