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《灵界经历》 第5421节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5421

5421. About the Jews

The Jews live in the center-part to the left on the plane under the soul of the foot, and there they had their many synagogues and came together to them and held their worship. I have frequently spoken with them there. But they have all been scattered, the synagogues have been razed, and now they wander about without any place to worship. They appear to be all by themselves. There are also Jews below this plane who have not yet been scattered. That they would be scattered was foretold by the Lord in Matt. Chap. 24. The reason they were in the center-part was because they had the Word, because they are [mentioned] in it.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5421


The Jews dwelt within the middle-space at the left, in the plane beneath the sole of the foot; and there they had their many synagogues, and repaired to them and held their worship. I spoke with them there, frequently; but they were all dispersed and the synagogues destroyed; and, now, they wander round about without any worship anywhere. They appear solitary. Below that plane are also Jews, who have not yet been dispersed. That they should be dispersed is foretold by the Lord in Matthew, chapter 24. The reason that they were within the middle-space, was because they had the Word: for such are within that.

Experientiae Spirituales 5421 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5421. De Judaeis

Judaei habitarunt intra meditullium ad sinistrum in plano sub planta pedis, et ibi habuerunt synagogas suas plures, ac conveniebant illuc, et cultum suum habebant, cum illis saepius ibi loquutus sum, sed illi omnes etiam dissipati sunt, synagogis destructis, et nunc vagantur circum circa, absque cultu alicubi; apparent solitarii: infra illud planum etiam sunt Judaei, qui adhuc non dissipati. Quod dissiparentur praedictum a Domino apud Matth. Cap. 133 XXIV. Causa quod intra meditullium fuerint, erat quia habebant Verbum, nam illi intra id sunt.

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