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《灵界经历》 第5422节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5422

5422. Continuation about the Dragon

As said above, there were dragons who did not have any doctrine but only the literal sense of the Word, which they applied to whatever they wished, to give support to their own principles and their own loves and to those of others as well, especially of the powerful and wealthy, in this way stroking their love of self and the world with pleasantries. Thus in this way they committed adultery with the Word, unspeakably obscene adulteries. In this way they could be acting from any doctrine whatever, thus could like the wind be borne this way and that by the wind, knowing not a single truth from it. So they had absolutely no affection for truth on account of it being truth. Such individuals are also sensuous people, not thinking beyond the senses, hating the inner contents of the Word and loathing the doctrinal teachings of the Church as well. For a person who has not learned what is true from the doctrine of the Church has no doctrine and cannot have affection for truth.

Some asked them, from their doctrine, about several matters. They replied with reference to several places in the Word, thus with reference to whatever doctrine they might wish. But when they were asked how the Word should be understood there, and also in other places where different things are said, they didn't want to listen, still less reply. Several times the devil's gang proposed something heretical and false, and after first capturing their goodwill by showing them respect, they then immediately found passages in the Word to support their proposition, doing so to support evil and false things as well such as: that in God there is fury, there is anger, wrath; that all evil is from Him; that He could save and does not will to do so; that He who could be merciful is harsh; that based on David's example one may rob, one may kill provided civil law does not stand in the way; that the torments of hell come from Him, and so He has no mercy; that He promises and does not act, as in the case of the sons of Jacob coming out from Egypt; that He can feel regret just like a person; that the Lord is simply like a common person. Thus they waver and wander among all heresies. They can be Jews, Socinians, and Papists. Because they are such, heaven cannot be given to them, because there is no truth and so no wisdom in them.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5422


As was said above, those were dragons who have not been in any doctrine, but only in the sense of the letter of the Word, which they have applied to whatever they wished, for the purpose of upholding their principles and their loves, and also those of others, especially the powerful and rich, and for flattering the delights of their own love and of theirs; consequently, who have in this manner committed adultery with the Word - filthy and heinous adulteries; who have been able therefore to be of any doctrine whatever, and thus to be carried hither and thither like the wind; knowing, consequently, nothing of truth, and thus being not at all in the affection of truth for the sake of truth. Such men, also, are sensual; not thinking beyond the senses; holding the interiors of the Word in hatred, and also the doctrinals of the Church in aversion. For he who does not learn truth from the doctrine of the Church, is not in any doctrine, nor can he be in the affection of truth. They were questioned, from doctrine, about some matters. They answered from some passages of the Word, thus from whatever doctrine they chose; and, when it was inquired how the Word in that place ought to be understood, and also in other parts where dissimilar statements occur, they would not listen, much less answer. Several times they propounded something heretical and false, from that diabolical crew; and secured their favor at first, by honoring them; then, immediately, they found passages from the Word for confirming them, and thus for confirming evils and falses: as, for instance, that there is fury with God; that there is anger and passion; that all evil is from Him; that He might save and is not willing, and that when He might be merciful He is hard; that (from the instance of David) robbery and murder [may be committed] providing only the civil law does not stand in the way; that the torments of hell are from Him, and, thus, that He is merciless; [that He] promises and does not perform, as [with] the sons of Jacob out of Egypt; that He repents Himself like a man; that the Lord [Jesus Christ] is only like a common man. Thus they waver and wander amongst all heresies. They can be Jews, Socinians, papists. Since they are such, heaven cannot be allotted them, because not anything of truth, and consequently not anything of wisdom.

Experientiae Spirituales 5422 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5422. Continuatio de Dracone

Ut supra dictum, erant dracones qui in nulla doctrina fuerunt, sed solum in sensu literae Verbi, quem applicaverunt ad quodcunque vellent, ad favendum suis principiis et suis amoribus, tum aliorum imprimis potentum, et divitum, sic ad adblandiendum jucundis amorem sui et [mundi] illorum, ita qui sic adulterarunt cum Verbo, adulteriis obscoenis et nefandis, qui sic potuerunt esse ex quacunque doctrina, ita ferri sicut ventus huc illuc, proinde nihil veri scientes, ita prorsus non in affectione veri propter verum esse; tales etiam sunt sensuales homines, non ultra sensus cogitantes, interiora Verbi odio habentes, et quoque doctrinalia Ecclesiae aversantes; qui enim non ex doctrina Ecclesiae discit verum, is in nulla doctrina est, nec potest esse in affectione veri; quaesiverunt illos ex doctrina de aliquibus rebus, respondebant ex aliquo loco Verbi, ita ex quacunque doctrina vellent, at cum quaererentur quomodo Verbum ibi intelligendum esset, et alibi ubi non similia, non voluerunt audire, minus respondere; aliquoties diaboli turba proponebant aliquod haereticum et falsum, et captabant primum eorum favorem per honorandum eos, tunc statim ex Verbo invenerunt loca ad confirmandum, ita quoque ad confirmandum mala et falsa, sicut quod Deo furor sit, ira sit, excandescentia, omne malum ab Ipso, quod salvare possit et non velit, qui misereri [possit], quod durus sit, 1

quod latrocinandum ex Davide, quod occidendum, modo non lex civilis obstet, quod cruciatus inferni ab Ipso, et sic quod immisericors, quod promittat et non faciat, ut filiis Jacobi ex Aegypto, quod poenituerit Ipsum sicut hominem, quod Dominus sit modo sicut vulgaris homo; ita vacillant et errant inter omnes haereses, possunt esse Judaei, Sociniani, papistae, quia tales sunt, non illis coelum dari potest, quia non aliquid veri, ita non aliquid sapientiae.


1. = quod qui misereri [possit]

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