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《灵界经历》 第543节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 543

543. A person on earth should not speak with any spirit, but a spirit may with the person on earth, and they were surprised that I spoke so much with them. From this fact they were enabled to learn that I was of a different kind. The person is only permitted, when he is being punished, to speak these words, that he will do so no more. Nor is it permitted him to tell anyone of his own people that he had spoken with a spirit. This is severely punished.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 543

543. A man ought not to speak with any spirit, but a spirit speaks with the man; and they wondered that I spoke so much with them. Hence they could know that there is another kind [of beings than those of their earth]. It is only allowable for a man [of their earth] when he is being punished, to say that he will do so no more; nor is he allowed to tell any of his people that he has spoken with a spirit: this is severely punished.

Experientiae Spirituales 543 (original Latin 1748-1764)

543. Homo non debet loqui cum aliquo spiritu, sed spiritus loquitur cum homine--et 1

mirati sunt, quod tam multa cum iis loquutus sum, inde scire potuerant, quod aliud genus essem--solum 2

licet homini loqui haec verba, quod non amplius ita faciet, quando punitur. Nec licet ei dicere alicui ex suis, quod cum spiritu loquutus sit, hoc severe punitur.


1. The Manuscript has homine, et

2. The Manuscript has esset (sic!), solum

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